MWATW-the explanation.(pic of Jet)

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Hiya guys! I'm jammin to some dubstep so sorry if its a little freaky! lol jk,Comment! I need your opinions!


"Please explain why the heck your in my house." I ask,Windex still aimed at his (great looking) face."Well,after the fight I was at a back table." He pauses,But I raise my blue savior higher.Forcing him to go on.

A smile plays on his (great looking) lips,"When I left,I saw you." He motions a finger at me and his eyes find mine.I just want to say "Excuse me while I go faint,be right back." I get snapped back to reality by his voice,"I saw you." His eyes find mine once again."At 3 a.m,In the Hooters parking lot." shaking his head and giving me a dissaproving look.

"I tried waking you up,But you were just so tired you couldent even keep your eyes open." He looks at me to make sure I'm still listening,Making my breath catch."So,I looked through your wallet,found your adress and carried you to my car,Satisfied?"

I was a little shocked.He took me home? He carried me! He slept on my couch! I really need to stop being so weird..I think to myself.

I was pulled back to earth by my stomach growling. I looked down at my Windex bottle and frowned,I was almost out.(T.T) We were just sitting there,In a awkward silence.So,me being the idiot I am,Said this clever sentence,"So,want some breakfast?" He stares at me,giving me a 'WTF' look.I roll my eyes and make my way to the kitchen.

I throw the heavenly strip of bacon on the skillet.Inhaling the awesome scent. I make a meal fit for Africa,The pancakes are as big as a Ipad! "Its ready!" I scream as I set the table. Why do I feel so comfortable and safe when he's around? *PAUSE:When you find a stranger in your house,DO NOT cook him breakfast.Call the police.PLAY:*

He strolls into the kitchen and takes in the wonderful aroma just as I did moments before. I give him his plate as he sits down at the table. I sit down also,Not waiting a second later to start shoveling food into my mouth. Making me look like a pig as well as a idiot.*PAUSE:DO NOT do this if infront of hot man.PLAY:*

"So,what's your name?" He asks awkwardly,"Rayne,and if you try anything funny I have more Windex." I say in a threating tone.He chuckles and takes another bite.

"Well,time for me to be heading back." Getting up and stretching his arms,which is a sight I wouldent mind seeing again.But when he said that,Its felt like my stomach did a free fall without a parachute.I was snapped back to Earth yet again by his hypnotizing voice.

"I'll get a friend to bring by your car." My tounge or brain wouldent work so all I could do was nod my head. Like a idiot.

I dident want him to leave,but how was I supposed to get him to stay? "Hey sexymancandyGodguy,would you like to hang around so I can undress you with my mind?" Uh-uh,im not that brain dead.

He gave me his plate,My hand grazed his.Now,I'm not one to believe in soul mates and fate. But this was like WABAM! When my hand met his,it was like that tingley feeling you get when your foots asleep.I was so at peace and complete in that moment.I supressed a shudder. We said our awkward goodbyes and he walked out the door.

I stood there,in my kitchen,completely confused.Yepp,someone up there in intentionally screwing with me.

I was off today so I thought I would take up Uncle Mac's offer and go visit him.I put up my trusty Windex and stared getting ready.

I thought I was going to have to take the bus since my car was probably incognito at the moment.But there is was,In all of it's rusty glory. I saw a guy round the corner.Oh no you dont.

*PAUSE:DO NOT chase random men OR woman around the corner.PLAY:*

"Wait!" He turned around,He looked a little like Jet but younger and not as sexy."Yeah?" looking at me questionly."Did you just drop that car off here?" I say,"Yeah,why?" He said cauciously."Thankyou! And tell Jet thanks to!" I flashed him..A big smile. (LOL! did you get a little nervous there?)

He looked taken off gaurd for a few moments,but regained composure,"Your perfect for him!" He says excitedly.WAIT.PAUSE.WTF?!okay,PLAY. "What?" I ask,clearly confused. He shakes his head,"Nothing,well got to go! Bye!" And runs off.Leaving me confused,and with a headache from thinking to much.

When I arrive at Uncle Mac's town house,I get usherd bt a (very rude) maid to the study. I hear a door open.I turn around thinking it was uncle Mac..Oh how wrong I was.

Yepp,someone up there is OFFICIALLY and INTENTIONALLY screwing with me.


SOOOOOOOOOO,whacha think!? COMMENT! I NEED YO OPINIONS! If you do,I will by you...A AIR GUITAR! pretty tempting huh? lol,well! hope you enjoyed it! Have a fantastic day/night! And sorry its so short! It was like 5 pages on paper! I'll be sure to make the next chapter atleast 2 pages!

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