MWATW (chapter 3,pic of Rayne)

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Hiya guys! its been along time since i uploaded! before U GRAB THE PITCHFORKS! I was working on this chapter,reeeeaaallly hard!


-love it

-give me pointers!

-you'll get a free air guitar with every comment!


I saw a man,with a sinister smile plasterd on his face.

"Hello Rayne,its been a while,hasent it?" He said,as if it was a cruel joke.

I was at a loss for words. Thoughts swirling around my mind. Everyday I thought of what horribly clever things I could say to him,slice him with my words. But those words wouldent come.

I just stood there,like the idiot I am. The man who beat and killed my mother,the man who is responsible for my nightmares.

Yepp,someone up there is intentionally screwing with me.

I inhale,thinking of what my mom would say.. I remeber her always being gentle,always cleaning dad up after he passed out when he got to drunk,even when it hurt her to move because he beat her so bad.

I gritted my teeth,Mom,please give me strength.

"Hello father,That it has." I say tightly,using everything I have to restrain myself from the poision itching to seeth out of my mouth.


I cut him off,not wanting to hear the voice that fuels my fears.

"Father,why have you come? I hate you,you will always be a leech. You are just the man who murdured my mother,I see you as nothing else but that."

I look him in his eyes,making sure he is listening to each and every word.

"I want to say go to Hell,but that means I would have to stoop down to your level,and right now,I really dont feel like being a sick and demented butthole."

*PAUSE:Dont be a sick and demented butthole.PLAY:*

He glares at me with anger and hate in his eyes.

"Well,it was most lovely chat,but I must be going!" Looking down at my bare wrist,"I hop you get hit by a truck!" I say in a pleasent tone,shutting the door in his face.

I hear him yell at me,"I'll get you Rayne,i'll kill you if I have to!"

I chuckle dryly as I yell back at the door,"Hell,i'll even help you pick out the gun!" I say sarcasticly.

I turn only to face a empty foyer. I stand there,My thoughts running to fast for me to catch them.I feel water dripping down my face.They just wont stop.  I start sobbing,holding my head in my hands.

I dont know why I'm crying,but I feel like I should. Thats the only thought I remeber before I swing open the front door and run outside,In the general direction of my car. My hands are still covering my tear-soaked face. I thought I was ran into my car,but my car wrapped strong,protective arms around me,whispering soothing words in my ear.

Hold up! My car cant do this..It doesent have arms or a sexy voice! WTF!?

I was pulled back to reality by 'my car' picking me up,holding me as if I was made of porcelin.*PAUSE:dont let a random guy pick you up,chances are,your getting kidnapped.PLAY:*

I bury my head in the crook of his neck. I dident know where he was taking me,but the way his touch burned into me,I honestly dident care.

I breathed into him.he smells so chocolate and roses..Wait,and the faint smell of Windex..This alarms me for a moment,but then I get consumed by his touch again,the oogley feeling taking its affect.

I hear a car door open,and he gently puts me in the front seat.

I gasp.

I see sexymancandyGodguy! I mean Jet..Looking at me with with eyes full of concern,warmth and love.

Wait! love?! thats soooo not it?

I get pulled back to earth my his deep voice.

"Shhhhhshsh,go to sleep,you've had a rough day."

He says with so much gentleness in his voice I thought I was going to tip over if I wasent laready sitting down (IN HIS CAR!)

He stares at me,I sigh in defeat and look away from his beautiful brown eyes.He gives a dazzeling smile that would make a nun go trollopy.

He closes my door and gets in at his side. I lean my seat back,making our arms touch for only a moment.(But i wish it was longer,:P)

I must of been making funny faces while I was in my own universe. Because he was smiling down at me,Gazing down at me.*PAUSE:Dont stare at someone dramaticly in the eyes when your driving,it doesnt end well.PLAY:*

" you please look at the road please!" I say,beating myself for a FAILed attempt to get his eyes off of mine.If he looked at me any longer im positive that I wouldve melted into his floorboared.

I glanced into the side mirror and wasent to excited about what I saw.

My makeup was gone,courtesy of the obcene amount of tears my body can produce. My ussually bright and peircing green eyes were dull,and galzed over.My long red hair was frizzy and looked like a mess.

Not exactly the look I wanted to pull off infront of the Inhumanly sexy guy beside me.

I dident relize how tired I actually was until I closed my eyes,I fell asleep almost instantly.But before I did I heard Jet say something like.

"Just beautiful."

I fell asleep in his car,but I dident have my wolf dream this time. This one was different,Almost like I was where I was supossed to be for the first time in my life.

I was sitting on the edge of a gigantic field,Surrounded my woods. I felt like me,but I felt free and happy,and that hasent happend in a while. It was dark outside,but i could still see everything perfectly. Even 'my' wolf that seemed to blend in with the scenery. The only thing seperating him from it was his eyes,A deep midnight black,it seemed almost as black as the sky. They burned into me,But they seemed to say soemthing to me,but I couldent hear him.

Since I woke up.


What did ya guys think?! good,bad? Tell me what you would like to see in the story! give me advice! Have a great day/night!

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