MWATW-BACON TRAY!! (pic of Jets mom)

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HEY GUYS!!! Its been like 4 months huh? I am SO.FRUNKING.SORRY! i have been a lazy American -.- BUT' I SHALL START UPLOADING ATLEAST EVERY 2 WEEKS! I PINKY PROMISE! Oh yeah,give me feed back,because i honestly don't know where this story is headed :P PLEASE AND THANKYOU! :D


It was a friggin big hall.

a friggin big hall with alot of friggin food.

and with alot of friggin people.

When Jet and I walked in,everyone went silent. All thier eyes found Jet's,nodding their heads with respect (no idea why but I'm going with it) *maybe they accept that he's the sexiest man alive?* then there eyes found mine. It was like I was having a staring contest with wolves. *LOL SPOILER ALERT* I felt my whole body being scorched over by there stares.

It was driving me more insane than I already am! I dident know what to do,should i say hi? Curtsey? Break dance!? Its not like they have a book titled,•what to do when hundreds of strangers are checking you out while your standing next to a HOTT guy•

I wanted to run and hide in a corner,I was fixing to walk out. But,a lady,who looked all motherly and protective approached me from the crowd of stalkers.

She reminded me of my mother,i smiled at her,trying to supress the urge to run away from all the stares i was getting...*i think there just jealous because i got to hug the must cutest kid in the world*

She was infront off me now,searching for something,something i dident think i had. She looked at jet and he gave her a nod. Her face lit up like Edward cullens sparkles.

"Hello dear,I hope you slept well!"

She gave me a bear hug and turned around to the confused people just trying to eat there waffles.

"Everyone! Attention!" Jets mom shouted.

Everyones eyes fell on me and the nice lady,bright red flooded my face..

I was slowly backing up,but jet was standing behind me,almost like he was going to calm me just by doing that. But at that instant,a rush of relief flooded over me.

*just a little bit closer big guy and i can guestimate how impressive your eight pack is ;P*

*okay,i need some Jesus injected in me*

I get pulled back to reality by the lady,(I think shes Jets mom)

"Everyone,this is Jets 'guest'."

I knew there was a hidden meaning behind the 'guest' and the.emphasis on it only made me more scared -.- but i put all of my.thoughts away because i was to busy zeoring in on the HUGE bacon tray that was to close for me not to attack it.

*PAUSE:don't attack bacon,they have feelings to.PLAY:*

But I was stopped by everyones flicker to mine and Jets.

Its like something clicked with all of them.

I turned my head to jet,i mouthed,"WTF?!"

Instead of a answer,i got a huge smile,leaving me with my dirty mind to strip him with my eyes.

I heard wolf howl,not actual wolf howls,like the wolf howls off of the Jersey shore.

It was a group of not bad looking,(HOTT) guys yelling towards Jet.

Jets hands wrapped around mine,in a protecting way,and I,was still focusing in on the bacon tray to notice until the oogley feeling consumed me. It was like feathers were inside me,they wearnt tickling me,they were more giving me the chills. But the closer the group of guys got,the more closer jet pushed me into him.


They kept talking and talking and talking! I was so bored,so somehow I pried my hand from Jets,making my way over to the bacon tray,taking it,walking outside to the foyer,going into the closets room (so iwouldent get lost in the friggin fortress)

From the looks of it,it looked like a study,a HUGE oak desk with scrapes and scuffs,it seemed to tell a story i couldent quiet understand.

The whole study was about as big as a..well lets say a average size master bedroom in a normal house.

Books,and books about odd thinks like wolves and vampires.

*huh,so Jets a twilight junkie* I thought.

I sat down infront of the big desk and started munching on my bacon,i was actually enjoying my quality time with my lil piggy's but I saw the door open,i held onto my bacon for protection but turns out,it was jets mom.

Her long black hair fell perfectly against her slender shoulders,shes really pretty,lets leave it at that. :)

She walked over to me,sat down next to my spot on the floor,and grabbed a strip of bacon.

"So honey,i know your brains going to explode from all this confusion,so ask me a question and I'll answer it the best I can."

I thought this lady was pretty cool,and i felt she was really trusting so i thought what the heck?

"Well,can I ask.why everyones staring at me strange? Its.not like I'm carrying a dead body around.." i say nervously.

She chuckles and.puts a reasuring hand on my shoulder,"no honey,you have no dead body around you,but there is soemthing else....."


SOOOOOO WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THIS CHAPTER?! Free air guitar for every comment :P thanks for reading! :D

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