Doctors Note -Chapter 6-

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Taylor's POV


I feel like I'm being, watched. I quick spin around to see the one and only idiot, GREG.

"Bloody Hell GREG! What are you doing in here?!" I scream, trying my best to hide the boyband behind me on my desk.

"One, I wanted to see what you were doing and two, what on earth is that?!" He says pointing to my desk. Wow. How the hail am I supposed to explian this?

"U-uh. I.. Still play with.. Dolls..?" I say biting my lip, try to make it sound as real as possible, hoping the guys get the memo.

"Wow, T your 18! Even I don't believe that." I sigh. What am I supposed to fikken do? I turn around to see the guys looking kinda shocked.

"Ok... I swear to god if you tell anyone I will never do anything with you again. You swear to god you won't DO OR TELL ANYONE?" I say staring him in the eyes, being as serious as I think I have ever been.

"Ok.." He says.

I step to the side so Greg can see the guys.

"What the hail?"He says eyes widened.

"Greg.. This is Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn."

"Vas happening?" Zayn says. I hold back my laugh, as I see Greg in shock.

"Uh, what happened to him..?" Greg says point to Louis and lightly pokes his ankle.

"Ow!" Louis shrieks.

"Greg! What the heck?" I yell.

"Sorry! How was I supposed to know?"

I facepalm,"I don't know, the broken ankle? Now go elsewhere I still have to help him." I shoo Greg out the door and go back to helping Lou.

"Okay.. This might sting just a bit."

I say taking a cotton swab and putting a little rubbing alcohol on it. I lightly put it on his ankle and he clenches his fist.

"Oh jeez that sting" he says clenching his fist tighter. I finish up with the cotton swab and bandage up his ankle.

"Look, I'm not a real doctor, but I don't think you should walk on that leg for a while." I smile. The guys laugh.

"Hey, that was a serious doctors note!" I say finally staring to laugh.

"Hold on, I'm gonna go look or something!" I say running to my closet.

Liam's POV


Taylor's dashed to her closet. I wonder what's she is looking for..

I go and sit by Lou, "Hey, feeling better?" I ask him, putting my arm around him.

"Well, of corse, by the way, did you know when you have a broken ankle, you can't walk on it? I learned that from my doctor." He says grinning. I chuckle.

"A-Ha!" I hear Taylor say as she runs over here she places mini wheel chair on the desk," Boom! That's what I call awesomeness." She smiles.

Taylor's POV

The guys help Louis into the chair and he wheels around on the desk.

"Wheee!" He yells as he drives past Harry. I giggle.

Soon, everyone is hungry again.

"Who wants to help make lunch?"

" Me!" All the boys say in unison.

I help the Four boys into my chest pockets then carry Louis.

We get upstairs and decide to make corn dogs. MINI corn dogs. See what I did there?

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