Flashback... -Chapter 11-

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Taylor's POV


Me and Hannah start searching the lockerbay.

"It's been an hour the couldn't have gone that far!" I mutter to myself. If I find them dead. I swear to god I'll be in my room crying forever until I die.

"Hey Taylor, looking for something?" I know that voice anywhere. Lilly. I look up at her and see the evil in her eyes.

"My pencil." I say annoyed. I keep looking on the ground.

Soon the lockerbay is quiet and know one is there. I don't care if I get a lunch detention for being late. IM SAVING A FAMOUS BOY BANDS LIFE FOR GODS SAKE!

Maybe if I yell I can find them.

"Guys?!" I yell quietly.

No response.

"Guys!" I yell louder.

No response.

"GUYS!" I yell. I hear regular footsteps coming so I hide behind a locker. Soon I hear them walk away.

Then I hear a voice crying. I run towards the sound.

Once I get close. I can barley hear it.

"Guys?" I say quietly.

"T-t-Taylor?" I hear the voice say.

I try to see where it was coming from. I don't see anything. Soon I hear crying again. I run closer towards the sound and find a locker that crying? What on earth?


*Facepalm* Am





I put my ear up to the locker.

"Guys?" I whisper.

"T-t-Taylor?" I hear the voice say.

"Oh my gosh is that you?!" I say.

"As is you do you mean Harry? Yes." Harry says.

OMG I found them! I try to open the locker. But I'm stupid enough to forget there is a combination for lockers.

"Guys I can't open it!" I says wanting to cry. I keep trying to pull it open, twisting and turning the handle thing.

A tear falls down my cheek. Who's locker is this anyways?! I look up at the number, remembering each one. This couldn't be. Oh but it could. It's Lilly's locker.

I want to kill her! I have so many mixed emotions right now! I can't believe this!

I can't open her locker! And I can't save the guys...

I burst into tears right at the spot. I slid down the locker and sit infront of it crying.

"I-I can't open the locker guys." I cry.

Louis POV


She can't open the locker. But maybe we can.

"Zayn.." I whisper.

He looks up at me,"Yah?" He asks.

"Can u get up and try to mess with the lock for it to open possibly?" He nods and gets up. He wiggles a key(Like one his size that was for his house) inside of the lock things or about 3 minutes until he here's a click.

"Taylor!" He yells," Try opening it!"

I hear her jump up and try opening it. And I really mean try. Becuase it did t work. I sigh and sit back down by the guys.

"Nope." I sigh.

Taylor's POV


I jump up. OMG! I just skipped class! I hide behind Lilly's locker and wait for her to come open it.

Soon she comes and unlocks it, grab her books and closes it as she walks away. But before it closes I out my foot right inside.

"Ow" I say shaking off the pain.

At least I got the door to stay open.

"Taylor!" They yell happily.

"Guys! OMG I'm so happy right now! Are you okay? What happened? HOW DA FRIK DID SHE OPEN MY LOCKER?!" I yell.

"Yea, I dun know an I dun know." Louis says,"But there is a book on my ankle. So.."

"Holy shiz!" I say carefully taking the book off.

I help the boys out of the locker.

"Can we stay with you the rest of the day?" Niall asks sweetly. Aww!

"I don't know. I still have the rest of school.."

"We can go in your pockets and stay quiet! Pleeeeease?" He whines.

"Fine." I say helping them into my chest pocket. (BEING CAREFUL WITH LOUIS AND HARRY!)


The rest of the day was hard to focus. I think I failed my math test, and I forgot to turn in my science homework.

I can't believe this. I used to be the star student! I need to step up my game.


Whoa, where did that come from?

Oh well. I've been going crazy ever since I found One direction at my doorstep.

The final bell rings and I run to my locker. No homework. I leave my backpack there in my lcker, check to make sure I got all the guys, and run home.


When we get home I run into my room and slam my door.

I can't believe Lilly! Acutely I CAN! She has been such a best since we were in 4th grade.


"Hey Tay!" Lilly says running up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey Lil!" I say hugging her back.

"Coming to my party tonight?" She asks pulling away from the hug and looking at me seriously.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I say smiling.

"Good." She says skipping to her seat.

The bell rings and class begins.

~At Lilly's party still flashback~

I ring the doorbell and Lilly opens it right away. I see Hannah,Lilly, and Riley(Another girl).

"Hey girl!" I say handing her the present.

"Hey" she says running over to the present table setting it down.


It was a night of laughs and fun. The next morning me and the other two girls were all awake before Lilly. So we took marked and drew the name "Dilan" on her forehead(Guy she has a huge crush on). We took a picture and put it on Instagram. When she woke up she went on her phone. She saw the photo and yelled at us. We deleted it, but it had 1,236 likes. We didn't know it could become so popular so fast. I said sorry so many times and she never forgave me.

*end of flashback*


HEY GUYS! SO THIS IS THE UPDATE! :) I hope u liked it. :D

~T ••


Ps. HI CHESTNUT! (lol) :3

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