Chapter 30

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Louis POV


"Look Elanour.. Uh.. Well.-  ImayormaynothavefalleninlovewiththisgirlwhosavedmeandnowIthinkmeandyoushouldbreakup..." I say into the phone..

"What..?" She asks confused.

"I found another girl.. I fell in love with her now i think we should.. Break up..." I blurt.

"What?!" She asks again, but this time I dont have to explain," You cheating little jerk! I can't beleive you-" I hang up.

Yeah.. I honestly don't want to go through that. 

I look at Taylor to my side on the couch," Is it over with?" She asks me.

I nod and she smiles. 

I know this may sound stupid, but I never really kissed Taylor yet. I may have pecked her on this lips for a second, but never really kissed. 

She scoots closer to me and lays her head on my lap.

C'mon Louis, kiss her... Just do it.. I think to myself.  It's now or never.. well not really there will be others time but.. You know what, just kiss her! I slowly lean in closer to her, and soon our her soft lips are touching mine. I feel a little rush through my body. 

We stay like this, kissing for about a minute, or maybe 2, 3? I don't know. I'm just happy I'm here with her. 

We slowly part from the kiss but out lips are still close. I smile.

"I love you" She says.

"I love you too Taylor.." 

Authors note:

I just wanted to put this part in c: 

I haaaad tooo, cos I forgot LOUIS DIDNT BREAK UP WITH ELANOUR SO YEAH! o-o Caps lock, oh well :) Kk bie.~Taylorxoxoxo

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