Up All Night -Chapter 17-

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Taylor's POV


It's been a few hours since Greg knocked on my door, he's still here, but he isn't allowed in my room. My mom says to hang out with him, but I won't.  The guys are in their house talking, and I'm on my phone. I really hope Lilly can make a remedy. I can't have their careers broken becuase of this. 

I hear another knock on my door. I sigh and signal the guys to stay in their house. I walk to my door and open it.

"Look, Taylor.. I know you mad but please forgive me. I-I didn't mean to and-" Greg starts.

"Greg. You hurt him. And by doing that you hurt me. I love those guys and you chose to hurt them. I really don't think I can ever forgive you, let alone trust you. Remeber last time I trusted you? Yeah, you told the whole school. Would you seriuosly trust me after this?" 

"Of Corse!" He says. I look at him in the eyes.

"Yeah right. Just leave me alone, okay?" I say quietly and close my door and lock it.

I sit in my desk chair and the guys walk out.

"So, how long is he staying here?" Louis asks me.

I sigh," S-Sleeping over.." I can tell again, that they are scared, but won't show it," Don't worry, I won't let him in. Even if it means staying up all night." 

They smile, and start singing their song 'Up all night'. I smile and let out a small laugh.

Greg's POV


It's all that stupid boy band's fault my cousin hates me! I swear to god, I won't let this slide, she will never forgive, and it's all their fault! Ugh! 

I walk up to Taylor's door and knock again. She opens the door and frowns. 

"What do you want?" She asks.. Ouch.

"Taylor. Just listen for once! Look, I don't know why I did it, I only know that I'm so sorry. she rolls her eyes and looks into her room. She nods then looks back at me.

"Sorry, but I really can not forgive you. You almost killed him!" 

I sigh," Taylor.. Plea-"

"No. You don't even know how bad it is. I can't go outside without girls coming up to me asking about the guys!" She says closing her door and locking it. I walk to the guest room and lay there for a while.

"One Direction. You made my cousin hate me. And now, I will make you pay." I whisper to myself. I smirk and fall asleep.

AN: OoooooOO! WHAT IS HE GONNA DO? I have no idea why I brought Greg back into this. Oh nboy, things goin downn!

~Taylor xoxo

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