I hate ENGLISH! -Chapter 19-

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Louis POV


"I love you." She says.

She loves me. Taylor loves me. Taylor loves me!

My heart is beating rapidly. I'm so happy! Wait. What about Eleanor?

Well, I guess I don't feel about her I feel about Taylor.

"I love you too." I replie. She blushes then the bell cuts us both off.

Darn bell.

Taylor helps me into her pocket with the guys.

"So, Touis?" Harry says smirking.

I bite me lip," Literally I have no idea" I replie seriously.


Taylor's POV


I love you too. Those words stay in my head all day. I love you too, I. Love. You. Too.

Louis loves me. Wait did he mean it? Or is he just saying that.

I can hear the guys quietly snoring. I smile then get back to the math problem.

'There are 3 directions, North, South, West. How many are missing?'

One Direction is missing.

I hate you math teacher, I bet you did that on purpose to make me literally cry. I don't but still, I would.

I hesitate but write down,'One direction is missing. Oh and i know what you did there. Not funny. P:'

"Ok class what's the answer to the question?" My teacher asks grinning.

I hate her.

I raise my hand. She calls on my, so I stand up.

"One Direction is Missing. That the

answer, and by the way Mrs. Looney, you are not funny, and no where near funny." I say sternly, sitting down.

"Miss Shine, I want to see you after class." She says followed by an 'OHH' by the class. I glare at them and they stop.

GOSH DANG IT! I HATE ENGLISH. Oh wait this is math, wait no, social studies? Ugh never mind!


Lilly's POV (This Morning)


I lay on my bed, and my mom walks in. I fake cough, and it's sooo believable!

"Oh honey you look so sick!" My mom exclaims,"Stay home it's okay!" She says leaving my room. I sit there in confusion. What jut happened?

Well now I have more time to figure out how to make that fixing potion!

Soon I get a text, from, Taylor's cousin Greg..?

Greg: Wanna make some cash?

I sit there for a second.

You: Well yah.

Greg: Here's how...

I wait for Greg to reply.

Greg: Look, Taylor never forgave you for shrinking them. She was about to post to Facebook how your were a 'jerk' and you are rude and stuff! I stopped her before she posted it.

So all you have to do is help me get revenge. I feel you because she is paying attention to ONLY THEM! You in?

She betrayed me again?! The bastard!

You: I'm in.

AN: ER MAH GERD WHY HAD GREG PLANNED THIIIIS TIME?! OH NOE. Wait. I know what he has planned. BUT YOU DUN SO HA! Ok okay! I will probs update later tonight cuz I can't hold suspense! Lolololololz!

~Taylor xxx

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