Promise. -Chapter 10-

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Taylor's POV


I swear I have been looking at the clock the whole first hour. I can feel the girls eyes in my class all on me.  Finally the bell rings and I head to my Second hour.


Finally! The 5th period,lunch hour! I jump out of my seat and run out the door. I walk to my locker noticing a few girl that are following me. When I get to my locker I see a crowd of girls! I don't know what to do. One girl sees me,"Omg! It's her! Let me see Niall!" I- I thought Hannah made them believe that I don't have them... Soon I notice Hannah and I get an idea on how to tell the guys, I won't be opening my locker right now, and they can have my lunch. 

I Run up to Hannah and ask to borrow her phone. She let's me and I text the guys, knowing they have my phone.

Me: I won't be opening my locker right now, crowd of girls around it. You can have my lunch in the lunch box! Ill just go get school lunch.

Taylor: Ok, cya after school. ~The Guys.

I hand Hannah her phone and we run to lunch. 

Lilly's POV


She has them, I saw it with my own eyes. If only I could find a away to open her locker..

I think for a while... Aha! I grin and walk over to the locker helper.

"I-I Can't get my locker open and I'm scared I'll be l-late for class" I say in a fake, sad voice.

"Okay, just bring me to your locker and I will help you open it." The lady, probably in her late 40's says, as I lead her to Taylor's locker. 

"This one, 2055!" I say pointing at it. She grabs the key and it unlocks. well that couldn't have been easier. I smirk as she walks away.  I open the locker and I see the tiny boy-band, as they look at me with their scared, pathetic little face.

"Uh.. W-Who are you?" The blonde one asks me. 

"A friend of Taylor's." I smirk reaching into the locker, the guys get up and run into the corner of the locker. I trapped them in the corner with both of my hands.

"Taylor!" One of them scream. I laugh and pick them up.

"What do you want!" The curly haired boy yells.

"Revenge." I say putting them into my backpack, and put it in my locker, and close it. I grin, then walk away.

Louis POV


"G-g-Guys.. My ankle hurts.." I says, as my legs are now squished against some books.

"W-What do we do?" Liam asks shakily. 

"I-I-I Dont know." Zayn says, holding back tears.


About and hour later a bell rings. Yes! Maybe Taylor will notice! We hear a herd of people comming into the locker bay. Me and the guys start yellin for help.

Taylor's POV


I run back to my locker and open super fast. when I open it I don't see the guys..

"G-Guys?" I ask quietly.. No response. Oh fudge! What happened to them? I grab my books and quickly shut my locker. I run up to Hannah, who is still getting things o8ut of her locker.

"Hannah, may I please speak to you in private?" I asks her, not really letting her answer. I grab her arm and pull her to the side. 

"Jeez, what?" She asks rubbing her arm.

"The guys..." I say quietly. Her eyes widen.

"T-The guys what..?" She asks me, filled with fear.

"They.. T-They are missing.." I says holding back tears.

"No.. This can't.. No!" She says looking all over the place.

I cant believe I lost them.. They could be killed... I promised them.. I think to myself. I promised them.. I'm not breaking the promise.

AN: Hey guys! I sat by my crush again. c: Anyways, hope u liked this chapter!. I will update when I get 5 votes on this chapter! So don't ask, when I get five votes, I will write the next chapter! c:

~T cx

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