One Direction Is Shrunk? -Chapter 1-

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Taylors POV


I wake up to the lovely sound of my alarm clock. Not. I hate school.. It's way to booooooring!

I slowly get out of bed, and and walk to my closet.

I need something to wake me up.

I grin and run over to my radio and turn it on.

Just me amazing luck, Wake Me Up, plays! I run back to me closet and I find a cute England Flag Crop Top, and some cute jean shorts. I slip it on and head to my bathroom, I have my own becuase I'm an only child.

I know what your thinking,"She is probably a spoiled brat."

But no. I may have my own bathroom, but I'm not so.. Spoiled.

I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth, still listening to the music, I start dancing to the music and laughing.

"Taylor! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" I hear my mom's voice from upstairs.

Oh yea! I hurry up and put my hair into a high ponytail and add a cute black bow to make it look nice.

I run up the stairs and look in the cupboards for some cereal. I get some Cheerios and fill up a bowl and add some milk.

I can still hear my music, oh yea! I run downstairs and quickly turn it off. I run back upstairs and finish eating.

I finish and grab my backpack and phone and head outside and wait for the bus.

I'm waiting on my phone when I hear a little voice, I look around. Nothing. I'm probably imagining things.

"Down here, love." I hear a tiny voice say. I look down and I scream! It's.. It's, it's Harry Styles! But.. Like, he is only about 3 inches tall?!

"H-Harry S-Styles?" I say almost wanting to scream again.

"Yes. It's me, the Harry Styles" he says grinning. I hold in my screams and then I see another tiny person, make that four more! It's Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Harry! Whoa!

I still have one question. Yea, I know, One Direction is infront of me and only like 3 inches tall, and I have only one question? "How did you guys become.. Small exactly?" I ask, trying not to freak out, but I have mostly calmed myself.

"We aren't completely sure.." Niall says.

"But we don't really know what to do, and we were hoping you can help us, love" Harry says, smiling at me.

"Well, I don't know how much I can do right now since I have school, but you can stay in my locker with my phone until school is over and we can think more about this later, how does that sound?" I ask them. They all nod in agreement.

Soon my bus is pretty much here.

"Here, quick, get in my coat pockets?" I say kind of awkwardly helping them into my pockets.

My bus arrives and I get on and go to way far back, where no one sits, and take One Direction out of my pockets. Wow, no way to not make that sound weird. All five of them are sitting on my palms now.

"So, what do we do when we get home?" I ask them.

"Maybe.. Set up someplace for us to sleep?" Liam suggests.

"I bet I'll be hungry!" Says Louis excitedly. I smile because its just so cute when he does that! Even more cute when he is 3 inches tall!

"Ok, I might have and old Barbie house or something for you guys to use for now, as for food, I'm pretty sure I can fix something up from the cupboards." I say.

"Sweet!" Harry says.


Once we reach the school, I pull put my phone and put it in my locker, along with the shrunken boy band.

"Now try not to make much noise! I could get caught and it would NOT be good at all!" I whisper to the boys.

"Don't worry love." Louis says with a smile. Aw, cute!

Soon, I gently close my locker and head to class.

I couldn't stop thinking about what to do about ONE DIRECTION shrunken! And they are in my hands to keep safe.. I have to protect them until we find a way to bring them back to normal size.

Finally the lunch period is going to being, so I head to my locker to check on the boys. I open my locker and I see them playing temple run. Aw! They are just so cute!

"Hey guys, just a few more periods. You guys good?" I ask.

" We're kind of hungry." They all say.

I grab my home lunch and pull out an apple, "this work?" I ask, holding up the apple. They all nod, I leave the apple for them the close the locker gently.


Finally the school day was over, I walk back to my locker and find the boys sleeping, totally cute! I got a box from my science class and put some cloth in it. So I gently lift each of them up and put them in the box.

They are so adorable when they are sleeping. I feel like a stalker.. Well then.. Awkward.

I walk on the bus and head to the back seat. Niall wakes up and sees we're on the bus.

"Hey sleepy." I say smiling at him.

"Oh hi." He says rubbing his eyes yawning," By the way, we never got your name love."

"Oh yea. My names Taylor." I tell him.

"Cute name," he says smiling," By the way, thanks for helping us, Taylor."

"Any time" I say blushing a little. He doesn't notice it a lot though.

We reach my house and I get off the bus and walk in.

"Hey T! How was school?" My mom asks.

"Good." I walk down to my room, and dig through my closet and find the old Barbie house. I pull it out and fix it up for the guys.

Soon, I check on the guys and everyone besides Liam and Harry are up.

I see Louis going to wake up Harry.

"Hazza! Wake up" he yells. Harry wakes up instantly and we all laugh, then the four boys go over to Liam and yell," Liam! Wake up dude!" He slowly gets up. Then he smiles.

"Okay, anyone hungry?" I ask. They all nod," what do you guys want?"

"CARROTS!" Louis yells. Everyone laughs and agrees.

"Carrots it is!" I say, quickly running and grabbing some baby carrots.

I run back downstairs and hand them each half of a baby carrot.

It was funny watching them eat it because the halves were bigger than their hands. Then I remembered I have like twenty posters of them in my walls!

"So, a lot of posters, ey?" Harry says smirking. I blush a lot.

"Shut up" I laugh.


So that was Chapter one! Hope you guys like! Comment for more!


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