Pancakes -Chapter 12-

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Taylor's POV


I swear, the girl will pay if she thinks she can just take someone.. Well in this case someone(s), from me, then she's wrong. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to face her. Or Greg. Or anyone. I want to stay here. God I haven't even tried to find out how to grow the guys back to normal! I'm horrible. I can't keep a secret. I let it out to everyone. Two people have already tried to hurt or kill them! I don't know what to do. I have had them for four days and two of them are already hurt. I snap out of my thinking by someone's voice.

"Taylor? Love?" Harry asks me, with a worried look. I shake my head, trying to push all of my thinking aside.

"Are you okay, love?" Zayn looks at me with a confused/worried look.

"Y-Yea.. I'm fine," I say still trying to push my thoughts away. But they keep coming back."You guys need anything?" I ask. I feel like I need to focus on the boys, and make sure no one hurts them. I feel if someone hurts them ever, my life would be a complete mess, knowing I would have lied and knowing I would be letting the whole world down.

I just noticed that my life, is messed up. Wow..

"Kind of Hungry" Niall smirks. I had a feeling he would be hungry.

"Okay, stay here" I say, getting up, and going upstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom.

"Hey Taylor, how was school?" Typical mom question. I smile at my own joke. Then I am remembered of the worst day ever. I wipe the smile off my face.

"Well, not that good.." I regret it right when I say it. I don't want to talk about it, let alone have her find out about the guys. Think.. Excuse.. Think!

"What happened?" She looks at me all serious.

Um...."I-I.." I have nothing,"I tripped in the hallway, and all my books and papers fell everywhere" Wow. Best I could come up with?! God. Note to self, work on excuses.

She looks at me, but then goes to her room.

I walk over to the cupboard and pull out soup. I heat it up then get out little Barbie bowls and spoons. Wait a second.. I switch one of the spoons with a fork then smile.

You're lucky I remembered Mr.Payne. I grin and walk downstairs.

Louis POV


I think I like Taylor. I mean, for one, she's gorgeous. She has long wavy brown hair, amazing light blue eyes, and her smile, her smile is beautiful.

"So Louis, Taylor huh?" Harry asks me. God, how the heck does he know?!

"Mate, you're thinking out loud." Liam says grinning.

"Oh.." Wow, smooth Louis, smooth.

The guys laugh.

"So you like Taylor?" Harry brings it up again.

I sigh,"Well yea, but can you blame me?" I say.

Soon Taylor walks in and Harry looks at me. This is going to be long day.

"Hey guys," she says smiling.

She puts down five bowls of soup by us.

I laugh when I see Liam trying to eat his soup with a fork.

"Having fun Leeeeyum?" I asks him.

"Very." He says smiling.

Soon everyone is done with their soup.

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