Chapter Two: The Set Up

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As expected, the two Seniors found themselves in the dreaded principal's office. The both of them were over such high school clichés, but since they had indeed gotten into a fight on campus, they both had to deal with the repercussions. Unfortunately for them it meant spending time in a stuffy office with a grumpy old man, getting a stern talking to. So uncool...

"You boys are constantly at each other's throats! If one of you isn't starting something, the other is! All you boys have to do is catch a glance at each other and all hell breaks loose! Honestly, I don't know how much more of this I, your parents, or the rest of the school's population, can take. You two are just so hot-headed!" The principal, a tall but plump man with thinning dark hair and tight suit looked rather frazzled and red in the face. He was obviously unhappy. The unhappiest the two boys had ever seen him, in fact. The guy really had to chill out, or else he'd end up giving himself a heart attack. Neither of them wanted to see that... Or be accused of causing it.

"I'm at the end of my rope, boys." His chubby hands pressed against the cool surface of his desk. He looked to the two Seniors for a moment, tired blue eyes calculating. "It seems like nothing has worked, thus far. Calling your parents, suspending you both... I'm considering expelling you. You know what that means, right?" By the look on Donnie's face, he did. Being expelled was like... Like a death sentence! No prom, no walking in graduation, plummeting grades, and he'd be on athletic probation, as well! His wrestling team was his life! He couldn't just leave them like this! No school at all! For once, Donnie wanted to be here. Crap!

On the other hand, Derek didn't seem to care. Unlike the look on Donnie's nearly perfect features, and the sudden worry in his velvety hazel eyes, Derek was stony. His expression was calm and deadpan. He simply scratched at the stubble on his chin. Of course, why should Derek worry? He wasn't in any extra curricular activities. He wasn't on any sort of team. He never attended the dances. And... He most likely wasn't going to be walking in the graduation ceremony anyway. He really had nothing to lose. The principal's eyes narrowed as they searched Derek's pale face and dark chocolate eyes for any sort of remorse or guilt for what he had done. Instead, the principal got a glance in return that almost seemed challenging. The man let out an annoyed grunt and sat his round self down into his office chair. "I could expel you both. But... There's another choice you've got. You two obviously have some sort of issue you need working out, and since you can't speak to each other without trying to kill each other, you both can go to peer counseling." Now that... That got a reaction out of Derek. In fact, it made the principal smirk ever so slightly. Once again, he had the upper hand. Derek nearly launched himself from his seat. He stood tall on his two feet and glared daggers at the principal. "Mister Gordon, you can't do that!" Derek spat angrily, his dark hair falling into his eyes from the static movement. "You can't threaten to pair me up with this... This pathetic excuse for a dude!" Derek stabbed an accusing finger in Donnie's direction. Donnie took immediate offence. He leaned forward in his seat, hands gripping the arms of the chair tightly. He gave Derek a disgusted look. "Excuse me?" The male's eyes narrowed, his sights locking in on Derek and charging that threatening look right back. "At least I'm not some unhygienic high school drop out wannabe!" Derek growled at the insult. His hands balled into fists, and he prepared to attack. Luckily for the both of them, Mister Gordon had foreseen this, and slammed a palm down onto his desk. The noise resonated in both boy's ears, causing them to ring. Derek, with his head still swimming, sat back in his seat. "That's it, I've made the decision, since you can't even try to make one for yourselves. It'd be more of a punishment for you two to spend more time together than it would be for the two of you to be expelled. I think one of you, at least," the principal shot Derek a quick, accusatory look, "would enjoy that 'time off' a little too much, anyway. You are both going to peer counseling. You will meet up three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and on the following Monday, I expect a paper from each of you. What about? Something you've learned about the other person. So, Donnie, you'd be writing some things you learned about Derek, whether they're interesting, 'cool,' or... Strange...  And Derek, you'd be doing the same, but about Donnie. Understand? Oh! And I want both of you to spend at least three to five hours a week with each other. Outside of school. Weekends, after school outings, whatever. You figure it out. You don't have to like it, but you have to do it. I'll be giving you both log sheets. You'll have to record how often you spend time together, what days and times, and for how long. That should be handed in along with the essays."

The smile on their principal's face was making Derek sick. The guy was so fucking twisted. That dirty yellow smirk on his face alone was enough to make someone puke. Honestly, Derek was surprised there weren't beetles crawling out of his mouth. He tried to shake the disturbing image from his mind, but was unsuccessful. "This is such a load of shit," he hissed, giving a mean glare to their principal. All thanks to that comment, a vicious staring contest began between Gordon and Derek, which all three should have seen coming, really. It would have gone on for... Well... Who knew how long it would have gone on for. At least Donnie was there to break it up. The last thing Donnie wanted to do was sit there for hours while these two glared at each other. He cleared his throat, giving the two an expectant look. God, what were these guys, five? Even Donnie knew how to control his anger around Derek better... And that was saying something. "Just for that snarky comment, Derek," the man finally tore his gaze away and snickered, his gelatinous front jiggling slightly, "I want you two to hug. Whenever you come to your counseling meetings, you'll come to my office after, and I want you to hug in front of me. Just to show me that you're really trying hard to get along." The man tried to choke down more thick, wheezing laughs, but was doing a shitty job. Donnie rolled his eyes. He averted his gaze and looked back out the window, watching the trees and leaves and plants sway with the soft breeze. He watched other students mill about, and watched cars go by. It was a soothing picture, and that was what he needed right now. But, to be honest, this was much better than the alternative. For him, at least. It wouldn't be so bad. Embarrassing, awkward, and a little demeaning, but bearable. Definitely bearable... That was what Donnie hoped, anyway. And who knew? Maybe the two would learn a thing or two about each other. Maybe they'd actually have some things in common. Donnie was open to the idea. Unlike Derek, who was simply livid.

"Are we done, then?" Derek asked through tightly clenched teeth. His glare was still hard, and glued to Mister Gordon's sweating face. "I do believe we are. Now, boys, I expect you to behave. And I expect you to behave on Wednesday, as well. Believe me, I'll hear about it, if something goes wrong, and I won't be afraid to act. Do you understand me?" Donnie nodded, finally giving the principal his attention. "Yes sir," he mumbled, giving a slight shrug. Derek didn't reply. He just sat, glaring, like a statue, forever miserable and unhappy.

"Good. Now, get to class!" Donnie got to his feet, shrugging his bag on and side-stepping Derek to get out of the door and enter the hallway. Derek followed moments later, still angry, which was plainly evident by the noise of his fists connecting with lockers ringing throughout the mostly empty hallways.

Ohh, Derek, Donnie thought, giving a roll of his eyes, the guy was such a problem.


The Squid: As the title says... This is a set up chapter. Derek and Donnie's first meeting will come next, and hopefully it'll be longer, and more exciting than this! Also, once I actually figure some dimensions out and such, I'll get some pictures of Donnie and Derek up. :3

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