Chapter Nine: A Greek Tragedy

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[[Hey! Listen! Some brief messages and junk before you read on! This chapter is kinda rough, so... If suicide and the like are triggers for you, skip this chapter! This was a draining chapter to write, so, it might be a little draining to read. Just keep that in mind...

And, on a lighter note.. o 3o;;; I added a song, and I finally kicked myself in the butt and made myself find Derek's picture. So, that there to the right is our boy Derek. :3]]

As promised, Donnie helped Derek with whatever he needed, as often as he needed it. Every weekend they'd meet up, whether it was at the park, or in the school's library, or at Donnie's house, and they'd study. Derek was actually a pretty smart kid, he just needed to apply himself. In the long run, he just needed someone there to make sure he did his work, since he got distracted pretty easily, and tended to give up without exerting much effort or brain power. Other than that, things were going well. Derek seemed to be much happier now that he was doing better in school. That confidence he always walked around with now seemed a little more genuine, and he was even becoming a better influence for his own dead beat friends. Donnie not only being there for him in general but also helping him with school was all that he needed to start the healing process he always yearned for, after years of abuse and emotional trauma caused by his dad.

As the weeks passed, they spent more time together. Weekends were their days to study and spend time together. They'd watch movies, eat their weight in pizza and cookies, and they'd sit together in calming silence while Derek smoked. It was kind of becoming their ritual. Every once in a while Donnie would bring up getting a job, or moving out, but Derek would wave his words away. It seemed he was resistant about making steps towards moving out, as much as he wanted to. Derek wasn't ready to leave his dad. As much as that did bother Donnie, he wasn't about to argue with Derek about it. He was doing great with school, and that was already more than enough. One step at a time, right?

Another few weeks passed without much incident, at least, until the new school week began. Half way through, Donnie was starting to notice... A lot less of Derek. He didn't show up to their sessions with Aiden, either. He wasn't answering texts, or calls. Donnie was starting to get nervous. But, as the weekend rolled around, he was really hoping that Derek would still come around for their date. If not, Donnie didn't know what to do.

Just like every other date, Donnie found himself in front of the mirror, deciding what to wear. He'd check the clock, go to his closet, try something on, reject it, then repeat. It was kind of becoming a ritualistic thing that he really needed to break, but that was easier said than done. At least picking an outfit was becoming a little easier, though. Sooner and sooner every time he'd remember that Derek didn't really give a shit about what he was wearing, and end up picking something that was more comfortable than attractive. And once that was done, he'd go on with the house tidying and the worrying and thinking until Derek got there. And this weekend was even worse, since he was now worried about Derek, on top of all the other nerves, worries, and general thoughts. In the past few weeks Donnie had noticed that Derek would be at his house right on time, or even a few minutes early... But this time, he was almost an hour late. His knock on the door was barely audible.

Donnie opened the door for Derek, who seemed... Off. There was definitely something wrong. Or different, at least. Derek's body language was different. He seemed shrunken back, kind of crumpling in on himself, as opposed to his normal confident pose with the chest puffed out and all. He seemed paler, too. Maybe that was just because it was gloomy and rainy out. He was soaking wet because of it. Donnie pulled Derek into the house. He didn't even seem to be in the same reality. It was like he had to remind himself to say 'hey,' but couldn't mutter anything else. Donnie was worried.

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