Chapter Three: The First Meeting

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Donnie found himself sitting in the cramped counseling office, alone with their... Peer counselor. Donnie hadn't exactly known about this whole set up, but apparently the school did have this running year after year. If students needed to talk, then they could come to their peers and have a good cry session, and dump their woes out onto anyone willing to listen. Sounded miserable, but he supposed that the 'counselors' listening had to be pretty patient... And kind, to take time from their schedule to do this sort of thing. It was nice to know, at least, that there were still a few naive souls out there willing to help their fellow classmates. It warmed Donnie's heart, in a way. Though, he still thought that this was a dumb idea. If people had issues they needed help with, they should go to a real therapist. Not some kid with nothing better to do. And this case was no different. In fact, Donnie didn't have any issues he needed worked out. He wasn't upset or angsty or miserable or anything like that. Sure, he might have had some anger issues, but really, who didn't? And to tell the truth, Donnie was a little guarded at this point in time. He didn't want to open up to some random kid the school deemed fit enough to be a peer counselor. Though he was open to the idea of possibly opening up to Derek, he didn't want someone else eaves dropping and taking notes like he was some sort of science project. Besides... Some of these kids were kind of weird. He had seen who the school chose for the peer counselors, and some were questionable. And there was one student and peer counselor he was really hoping the principal didn't group him with. But of course, Donnie, and Derek too, were grouped with him.

Aiden. Aiden, the 'peer counselor,' sat across from Donnie in the small room, fidgeting in his chair and pretending to be busy with notes that weren't even written down yet. Aiden was definitely.... Weird. He was one of those quiet kids, that people spread rumors about simply because it was so damned easy. Honestly, Donnie didn't have a problem with the kid, other than the fact that for months now... One rumor had been haunting him. Apparently Aiden had a mad sort of crush on Donnie. Hence the heavy awkward air in the room. Aiden wasn't so bad, in theory. Quiet was good. Didn't make any trouble.... Super smart, too. Like, super smart. He was only a junior but already he was taking some classes at the community college right down the street. And all this time Donnie thought that Seniors were the only ones who could do that. Yeah, Aiden probably wasn't so bad. All he really did during the school day was draw and read, anyway. But it still creeped Donnie out a little that the shrimp had a thing for him. This was one rumor he did in fact believe. They had two classes together - science, and gym. Sometimes during science, Aiden would draw, and Donnie swore that he was the one being drawn. It made sense, when all Aiden would do was look up in his direction, eye him for a few moments, and look back down and continue to scribble away. It was a vicious cycle that slowly ate away at Donnie all through class. Every time Aiden pulled out that sketch book, he cringed. Made him feel awkward. Why would Aiden want to draw him, anyway!? Sure, he might have been... Okay looking, and maybe Aiden just wanted to draw someone a little more... Built, sometimes, but God, couldn't he at least ask, first? And to add onto that mess, Donnie was weary around Aiden during gym, too. Aiden tended to be... Timid, shy, and extremely distant in gym. Kids often found it easiest to pick on him in that class, it seemed, so the poor bastard had a target as big as the campus itself on his back. Weird thing was, kids loved to pick on him in the locker rooms... Donnie supposed it was because it was easy - no one there to tell them 'no,' and of course, no-backbone-Aiden wouldn't tell them to stop. But, whenever there was an opening, or when Aiden was left alone, Donnie could see the weird little guy watching him. Just... Watching. With an unadulterated look of curiosity and awe on his face. At first it was a little flattering, but after that creepy rumor started to spread... Donnie's feelings changed. Sure, he hadn't even given the small junior the time of day before, but now Donnie usually made sure to keep his distance. Just for both their sakes. Donnie didn't want anyone getting the idea that he was gay, or that he got off by being with skinny little Asian kids with big ears, doofy glasses, and long hair. And, well, he didn't exactly want Aiden to have to deal with any more shit than he already did. The kid already seemed to be in a perpetual state of terror and sorrow, with big, dewey puppy eyes and a painful blush on his cheeks. As unfortunate as having Aiden as their counselor was... Donnie would learn to deal with it. As of now, the two would just have to sit in silence, awkwardly glancing at each other every once in a while. Neither tried to make conversation. What was the point?

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