Chapter Seven: Confessions and Kisses

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Their time in the park had been an isolated incident. Derek no longer looked at Donnie when they saw each other in school or on campus, and Derek acted even more stubborn when they were in their sessions with Aiden. He was, in fact, being a complete douche. Every time Donnie tried to speak to him and try to understand the situation, Derek would either lash out at him or try to get away from the situation as quickly as possible. Sometimes he would even get violent, too, if he was in a bad enough mood. He was being childish. But why was that so surprising to Donnie? Of course Derek didn't have the emotional capacity for this. And of course, this was about their last meeting. Which had turned into somewhat of a make out session. Donnie hadn't meant for that to happen, but hell, why not? Derek was handsome, and he had pretty tasty looking lips. And they were tasty indeed... He just wished that Derek calmed down enough so they could talk this over, instead of being a brute. Maybe that was too much to ask for.

He tried to talk to the other male multiple times, but was pushed away, time and time again. It was frustrating. Derek was sort of like... A bomb. Sensitive and confusing and dangerous, and you'd never know when it was going to go off. It was really starting to bother Donnie, actually. He had no idea how to get Derek to cooperate, but he needed to think of something, quick.

Another week had passed with the two awkwardly making eye contact in the halls and not saying a word to each other during their sessions. Donnie hadn't really come up with much, what with trying to get Derek to communicate with him and all. That too was frustrating. Currently, they both sat side by side in the cramped office where they met three times a week. Aiden sat across the table from them. He was just... Staring. Kid was starting to creep him out. Eyes trailing away from the Asian boy, Donnie turned his head to look at Derek. It was now or never, he guessed. "Hey," he began, pausing for a split second to see what Derek would do. Nothing. "You wanna come over for dinner on Saturday?" Still nothing. "Look, it's just dinner. My mom's an awesome cook. And... We kind of have to hang out this weekend anyway, so it's not like you can say no." Another pause. And still nothing. He leaned over and spoke quietly, "Besides, it's not like you're going to want to go back to the park any time soon." That seemed to get a reaction. Derek stared at him. If looks could kill.... Donnie would be dead. "Fine," he hissed through gritted teeth. Donnie smiled. "Perfect."

Saturday rolled around rather quickly. Donnie's mother was still excited and giddy about having a friend of Donnie's over for dinner. Donnie had failed to tell her that this was one of the troubled students in the school. One he wasn't really friends with. If he had, that definitely would have caused some trouble. So, he decided to keep it simple. Sure. A 'friend' was coming over. A friend with some serious issues.

While his mother puttered around the kitchen, setting up the final touches and cleaning whatever was left from the dinner preparation, Donnie was cooped up in his room, getting ready. He didn't know why, but he was kind of dressing up for this occasion. He supposed it was because his mother had it drilled into his brain - when they had a visitor, it was only right to look nice, dress nice, and be nice. So, here he was, in front of the full-length mirror that hung inside his closet door. The wrestler was clad in dark jeans, a simple powder blue button up shirt and clean converse. Maybe he could have chosen different shoes, but whatever. It was just Derek... He didn't feel the need to get too crazy. Still, he made sure he looked presentable. For good measure he made sure his teeth were clean, even though they'd already been brushed, and he ran a comb through his hair just a few more times. Looking in the mirror once more, Donnie deemed himself presentable, and headed down stairs. He headed into the kitchen and greeted his mother, asking her if she needed more help with anything. After crooning over him for what felt like hours, she told him to help her set the table, which he did. And when he was done with that, he helped her with a few other things around the kitchen, even though she hadn't really asked. Every once in a while he would check the clock, noticing that it was almost time for Derek to arrive. And when that time passed, Donnie got a little nervous. Or... Not nervous, really. Angry. Ten minutes after Derek was supposed to show up, there was a knock at the door. Donnie went to answer it, his eyes shooting Derek a hard glare. "Get in." He hissed, closing the door a little too roughly behind the other. Derek simply scoffed at Donnie. As much as the two wanted to argue already, they had to keep their mouths shut since Donnie's mom was now hovering over them and fawning over Derek. "Ohh, you must be Donnie's friend! Derek, right?" Derek nodded, a little taken aback by Ms. Fitch's eagerness. He really was caught off guard. Donnie noticed his discomfort when she hugged him and continued to be handsy. He smirked. Payback.

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