Chapter One: You Started It

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Life was never what Donnie expected. His social life, his school life in general, and sometimes, even his private life threw him some curve balls he just... Wasn't quick enough to catch. Which was a surprise, even to him, since he was pretty athletic. Then again, he guessed even the most athletic types couldn't even catch some of those curve balls that fate threw their way. Not every single one could be expected, either.

"Watch it!!" A rough, hissing voice knocked Donnie from his thoughts, and nearly knocked him onto his rear. Also hard to do, since he was built almost like a brick wall, thanks to tireless hours of weight training. At first nothing registered... Who was this, running into him, making a scene in the middle of the hallway, grabbing everyone's attention within a ten-foot radius already?

Donnie's mind cleared, and slowly his brain put the pieces of the puzzle back together after they'd been jolted from their secured places. He was at school... Walking down the hallway, to his locker. He had just arrived, and there were only a few minutes left until class started. Donnie wasn't around any of his friends yet, so he had let his guard down, simply enjoying the calm, relaxing feelings that came with being alone and minding one's own business. He normally got lost in his thoughts when he was alone, and often times would be caught with his head in the clouds - something his father didn't like, in particular. The older man told him time and time again that letting his mind wander while out in public would get him into trouble... And for once... His father was right.

The last piece of that mental puzzle snapped into place, and Donnie attached a name to the angry, smug face staring him down. The one that had snapped at him. Ah. Derek. Normally, the guy was his mortal enemy... But now? While Donnie was all on his own, enjoying his own chilled out morning? Running into his agitated 'friend' was just a minor bump in the road. He didn't even really give it much thought. With the thickening crowd growing around them, though, Donnie knew he'd have to put on some kind of a stupid show. Or at least say something. Something angry and pissed off. What else could he do? If he just walked away from the situation, it could screw everything up. Popularity was such a fragile thing, and, in his mind, so was masculinity. It was such a delicate balance. Taking the higher road, and leaving this where it lie, which he would have preferred would have spread around the school like wild fire. People would start assuming he was some weakling. A girl. A princess. Plus, it would let Derek 'win,' and personally, he didn't want that. He didn't much care for Derek, really. He didn't find the other's 'uncaring, bad-boy attitude' endearing, or cute. He found it obnoxious, and attention seeking. He wasn't charmed by the guy's 'calm and cool and snarky comments,' or his 'seductive swagger,' or his 'edgy clothes, hot 'do, and sexy as hell lip ring.' Just a few comments he heard people throw around in the halls and in class when Derek's name was brought up. Honestly, Donnie was repulsed by some of it, and simply turned off by others. The guy was such a fake. Such a loser... Such a... Okay. Now he was mad. there was no way he was going to let Derek 'win' this. There was no way he was going to let his masculinity, or his popularity get knocked down a peg by this loser.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, instead of trying to scope out all of the chicks in the halls? You can do that in class instead. Besides, it's not like you're taking notes or listening to what the teacher's got to say, anyway... Flunkie." Everyone knew Derek had been held back last year. Meaning... This was his second time around, being a Senior. Normally being a Senior was great, but being a Super-Senior? Now that was just pathetic! Even for mister tall-dark-and-brooding over here. Donnie's comments seemed to strike a chord. He could tell by Derek's slight expression changes and muscle movements. His jaw tightened slightly, and his fingers twitched, making Donnie think that they'd soon ball into fists. His eyes glinted with a new sort of anger in them, too, masking the mocking mischievous twinkle that had been there only moments ago.

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