Chapter Eleven: The Understatement of the Year

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After their experimental play in bed, the two boys decided to make their weird, awkward, confusing relationship official. They felt the same way about each other. They liked each other. A lot. And they needed each other. And not just as crutches for everything going on in their lives. They had gotten accustomed to being around each other, enjoyed each other's company, and liked the closeness. It was new and exhilarating, and they couldn't get enough of it. Maybe it wasn't love, but it was close.

So, boyfriends it was. Not that they had anyone to announce that to. No one else needed to know. Then again, maybe someone should know. Rumors were already running rampant at school, and they hadn't even really done anything to deserve them. So... Since both of their reputations were already crushed, and they were essentially friendless, why not give those shallow teenagers at school something to really talk about?

The following day, just another normal day at school, the two males arrived. Except, this time, it was a little different. They walked into the main building of their school holding hands. Just as Anya and Gwen had caught them. They smiled as they walked down the halls, ignoring all of the gawking and staring of slack-jawed classmates. They ignored the whispers and chatters and giggles and expressions of disgust. Together, they felt invincible, and the other students were barely a blip on their radar.

Throughout the day, Derek and Donnie simply enjoyed each other's company. They walked each other to class, fingers laced and smiles on their faces, and gave each other quick pecks on the lips before parting ways. Or whenever they felt like it. They poked fun at each other and laughed and acted as they normally did, this time under the prying eyes of teachers, fellow students, and ex-friends. Obviously, it was distracting to the rest of the school, but again, the two love birds barely took any notice. Not even threats or remarks from others made a dent in their confidence. Their self consciousness about their relationship had simply crumbled away, and no one could pick away at it any longer to reopen the wound.

Though, they certainly did try. To the point of where both Donnie and Derek were called to the principal's office by the end of the day. Typical. If students couldn't get their way, they'd go to the higher ups and see what 'the adults could do.'

When Donnie arrived at the office in the main hall of the school, his gaze immediately landed on Derek, who was sitting in a chair by the door, his leg bouncing nervously. Donnie gave a half smile and sat down in the chair next to him. "Hey," he said quietly, placing his hand over Derek's. Derek just looked at him. He didn't seem happy. "I can't get into trouble again. I won't be able to graduate." His grades had been wavering for the past  few months, now. His grades were probably dropping and raising week by week. The poor guy was still trying, but sometimes those pesky emotions of his got in the way. Donnie had to admit, though, Derek had picked up the pieces of his old, damaged life pretty quickly, and was trying to recover and keep trudging on. He didn't know many that would have been able to do that. Especially if they were in Derek's position.

Sighing quietly, Donnie just shrugged. "Don't get too worried yet. Who knows where this'll go. Gordon doesn't have much of an argument anyway. We're just... Together. He doesn't scold the straight couples, right? There's no way in hell he can scold us for holding fucking hands." He gave Derek a small smirk before grabbing the other's hand and placing a gentle kiss to the back of it.

"Excuse me," came a voice, pulling the two boys from their lovey-dovey conversation. The male voice belonged to Gordon, the nasty spawn of Satan himself. "If you two would drop the act for a few minutes, I'd like to talk to you. Follow me." Reluctantly, they got up from their seats and followed Gordon into his own personal office that branched off from the rest of the room.

"Alright, boys," he began as he sat down in his seat. He watched the two sit from across his desk. He eyed them, the blood shot gaze sliding from Donnie, to Derek, and back again. "Tell me you're not serious." Derek gave a humored snort before biting down hard on his bottom lip to stop from laughing more. Donnie shot him a look before looking back at Mister Gordon. "Excuse me, sir? If you don't recall, you were the one who paired us up in the first place. We were supposed to go into that 'peer counseling' program to make nice with someone we despised. It worked. In fact, Derek and myself ended up liking each other so much, that we fell for each other. As a matter of fact, we should be thanking you. If you hadn't signed us up for this project of yours to make the school a better place, we wouldn't have the relationship we do now." Donnie leaned back in his chair and smiled slightly, eying the older male now. The principal wasn't enjoying how pleased Donnie looked with himself.

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