Chapter Five: Drinking, Dancing, and Divas

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Another uneventful week went by. Donnie's life hadn't really changed much, now that he had to go to counseling. It wasn't really an annoyance anymore, either. Hell, he was glad to get out of class three times a week just to sit in a quiet room and... Open up. Slowly he was becoming more trusting of both Aiden and Derek, too. Things were still a little weird, but it wasn't so bad. Not anywhere near as bad as he had originally thought. Though, that might have had to do with the fact that he really had begun to open up... To Derek, at least. After their weird little meet up at the park. Derek seemed to calm down some. He didn't seem to flip auto-pilot on either, during their sessions. Donnie could tell that Derek was trying to open up, but was failing miserably. Donnie had a hunch about that, too. Maybe it was because there was someone else in the room? Maybe Derek could only open up with Donnie around. If anything, as consolation for the things that Donnie had said originally. It felt like a long shot, but this weekend, Donnie was going to see if his hunch was in fact correct.

So, when the next weekend rolled around, the two decided to meet at the park again. This time, though, they met in a more secluded area by a small, calming brook that gently flowed throughout the length of the park itself. It was fairly well shrouded with willow trees and tall, unkempt grass. Donnie often went here when he needed to get away from friends, family, and other aggravations. He hoped that Derek would feel more at ease here, too. Hell, if Donnie did, then he was sure anyone else could feel comfortable at this spot, as well.

As usual, Donnie arrived first, but he didn't have to wait long for Derek to arrive, which was nice, for a change. The two met up, gave each other a curt nod, and didn't speak until they arrived at their final destination. Donnie had to initiate the conversation. "I like this a lot more than sitting in a cramped room at school," he commented, picking up a few pebbles before absently tossing them into the water, watching the ripples form and enjoying the sounds the rock hitting the water made. "Yeah. I like it better, too." Derek took one of the pebbles and did the same. His eyes were glued to the flowing water, ignoring the fact that Donnie was stealing glances at him. The two stood quietly again as the minutes passed, tossing pebble after pebble into the water below.

"You seem a lot more quiet than before. You okay?" This time Donnie's gaze lingered on Derek's face as he asked his question. Probably not the best way to push the conversation along, but why not get straight to the point? He was curious.

He watched Derek shrug, and frowned deeply. "Dude, come on. You've gotten way mellow. It's starting to weird me out." Sure, Derek still threw snide remarks his way during school hours and made an ass of himself, but that outer shell seemed to be cracking and breaking away, slowly but surely. He seemed less impressed with himself lately. Maybe Donnie was the only one that could see it? Or maybe he was just imagining it all...?

"Just... Don't feel like being an ass." Derek shrugged again, and rolled his eyes when Donnie gave a dramatic gasp. "The almighty Derek, not wanting to be an ass? Holy shit, the world is going to end, isn't it!?" The sarcastic comment got Donnie a swift punch in the arm, and he gave a dull 'ow,' before chuckling. "You asshole," he hissed through smiling lips. "Looks like you need some more practice with not being a dick, man. Hasn't your mom taught you not to put your hands on other people?" Donnie had expected another punch, but instead he watched Derek shift awkwardly. He was back to staring at the water. "Alright, that's enough. I'm done with this shitty piss poor Derek." Donnie grabbed Derek by the shoulders and forced the other to turn and look him in the eye. "Dude, come on. You on your period or something? Wake the hell up! I miss that fiery smart mouth Derek. Where's he at?" Another shrug. Donnie gave him an annoyed look. "Okay, if we're gonna do this, let's do this." Donnie fell back onto his rump and took a sitting position, taking Derek down with him. "So, what's up, then? You gonna tell me what's wrong, or are you just gonna keep on moping like a girl?" ... Maybe he should be a little nicer. "Listen, this is gonna sound really dumb, but... You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I mean, yeah, we haven't hung out a lot or anything, but I... I kinda dumped some pretty embarrassing stuff on you last week and you didn't go and blab to everyone. At least, I don't think you did. So... I trust you. I just want you to know that you can trust me, too, so... You know... Whatever's on your mind..." Donnie's voice trailed off and he sat silently, picking at some of the grass growing around the two of them. He let the silence stagnate, before finally, he heard a deep sigh.

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