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"Hello, is this Clarissa Sparks speaking?"


"We are speaking from the national hospital. One boy has been brought here severely injured and we found your number on his phone.  He has dark brown hair and I think is 5'10. He has hazel brown eyes. Can you come here asap"

"s..sure" I stammered and ran out of my house. In ten minutes I reached the hospital and ran like a  lunatic towards the reception.

" called me. A boy with hazel"I started blabbering and was about to cry

"oh yes room 108 2nd floor last door" the  girl at the reception said

I walked towards Matt's Room and opened the door to see him captured by wires and tubes. He was struggling. It was not even a day and here he was in this condition. His parents were sitting there,his mother crying silently and his father consoling her. I didn't wanted to believe it.

Why is this happening to me. Everything was going so well.

"Cass" Matt's mother said

I looked towards her

"I am Serena Winston,Matt's mom. You must be Clarrise,Matt's girlfriend. I wanted to meet you but not in these conditions." she stopped and said something silently.

"Hello Mrs.Winston. How did this happen?"

"After he proposed you, he was really happy. I mean you said yes so why wouldn't he be. he came home in the morning and wanted to surprise you today. He told me how much he loved you> He was so excited that he started to speed up and suddenly there was a crash. a truck collided with his car and he collapsed there. doctors are preparing for his operation. they say that he is very critical and chances are very less due to internal bleeding." and she started to cry and fell on the floor. Mr. Winston  took her out of the  room.

I was shattered. i didn't know what to say or what to do. I just sat there and felt hollow. He was one guy i loved deeply and here he was in this condition because of me. I interwined our wingers and began to cry silently.

"Cass" a broken voice startled me. I saw Matt speaking to me.

"Matt, i am so sorry. all this is happening to you because of me. Why were you speeding up you stupid ass. you..youu..."

he cut he of by keeping his hand on my mouth

I started to cry loudly and hugged his

"you promised never to let go of me. And doctors are saying you dont have time. "

"Clarisse I love you I love you so much and it sounds cheesy but I loved you from the  day I saw you. Those eyes That nose those lips. I always wanted to kiss them. Now promise me one thing if I don't survive this operation then you will not grieve for me. you will not come on my funeral. you will move on. you will forget about me that some Matt existed in your life. and one more thing please call Kevin. please.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "you are going NOWHERE . Do you understand me NOWHERE. I LOVE YOU and you will always remain a part of my life. not some Matt but my Matt."

I smashed my lips to his and we kissed passionately. "ill be back in a few" and i ran outside so he wont see my tears. there I saw  Kevin asleep on the bench. I haven't noticed him. I woke him up

he woke up startled and started crying. 

"Shit Cass. See what happened. He was my only friend and he will be gone too. I cant believe this. First her now Matt.You should also stay away from me or god will take you too away from me."

I hugged him and he hugged me back. We both cried and grieved.

after sometime he let go of me and wiped his face and mine. I told him that Matt wanted to see him.


He is in the hospital fighting for his life and I cannot do one thing for him. Why Why Whyyy ?

I saw Clarisse coming about of his room. She's her cry broke me. I felt like I died and she came to me. we both started crying and hugged each other. She told me Matt has called me in. I got up and walked towards his room.

"hey bro" I tried to cheer Matt up

"hi" he replied smiling

"So how are you doing now"

"Kev, bro I wanted to talk to you about something very important. Its about Cass. you know i never believed in god and whatever but you know there is this intuition i am feeling that i am about to die. i..i

he started to cry. my eyes filled with tears. he composed himself and started speaking again.

"i know you have feeling for her. i knew from the beginning but i was selfish. i loved her. i love her. i didnt want to share her. Kev, i want to live kev but i know something will happen which would be very hard for her, me and you. i want you to be there with her, console her and stay with her always. Kevin don't let her forget me and don't you ever forget  me. 

I felt like shit. I wanted to cry. i ran out of his room. Matt was shouting my name. i ignored him and ran. everthing was blurry. i don't remember a thing after that.

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