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"holy shit man,she loves me"Matt shouted at the top of his voice

I have never seen him so happy.

She loved him,who was i fooling

"It's great man,i am so happy for you.time to celebrate"

"yeah and there she is"

He walked towards Clarissa and kissed her. She kissed him back. They looked so happy that it hurts.

"stop making out"I interrupted 

Matt started to laugh and  Cass started to blush

everything seemed in place

except my heart

I'll not do anything to end this

maybe this was what god wanted

maybe i didn't deserve her and Matt did

maybe if I was not a jerk to her it would be me

maybe she would have loved me 




I was with Noah, Hannah and Ileana

"guys, um have something to tell you"i said and blushed

"ooh someone's blushing"Illeana teased

"opened you big fat mouth come on"Noah encouraged

"umm Matt proposed me"

"whattttttt that son of a"Hannah shrieked

"no Hannah i said yes"i replied

"whattttttttt Matt and you are dating as in seriously dating"

"um yes,is there something wrong?"i said

"No no i am so happy for you guy"and she hugged me.

we all did a group hug and I cried.

everything is gong great. i hope nothing changes at all....

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