Chapter Eleven

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Okay I need to write soon lol So out of the five comments so
3/ Five are for the three some
1/5 is for kyle and kuroi
Then there was one saying that they are okay with both, but more prefer kyle and kuroi togeather, BUT more people would like the three some but I might make a like uh another path I guess? for the people that want kyle and kuroi, Maybe or just write it and send it to them ^......^ idk
"Little kitten has spunk Kyle" John said after cleaning ourselves up along with Kuroi "Yeah and hes a heavy sleeper" I chuckles laying my hand in kurois soft silky hair,  His head was on my lap his legs were on John. "....John....I...I dont know what to do.." I said soflty staring at Kuroi not glancing at him "What do you mean?" Was his response "I mean with this, I love you John but...Im starting to feel for Kuroi.." I decided to slowly look at John who was chuckling
"You know Kyle I dont want to force you to make a choice, But maybe we can try it with all three of us" He smiled and gently took Kurois tail stroking the fur "I but I don't know what Kuroi will think about it He didn't like it when you kept giving me attention, Kinda cute how fiesty he is when hes jealous" I felt Kuroi stir a bit,  rubbing his eyes opening them "Hmm...?" he looked at me "Morning Kyle" Yawn "Im hungry whats for breakfast?" He said tiredly "Its actually almost time for dinner" John spoke up making Kuroi jump and sit up looking at John "W-what are you still doing here?" He said instantly waking up "Well I was just talking with Kyle and helped him clean you up" He said then shrugged "Nothing bad" "Talking about what?" Kuroi asked looking from me to John "About us Kuroi" I piped in "All three of us...Um together" I scratched the back of my head "But thats not fair! I will be left out while you pay all your attention to John!" He pouted and crossed his arms "Well how about we give you all our attention? " John said softly running a hand up his leg. "H-Hey stop!" Kuroi moved his legs off Johns lap but thats exactly what he plan he instantly spreaded them and moved close to him "K-kyle h-help" Kuroi whimpered looking over at me "John.." "Come on Kyle I know you want to~" Kuroi moved back and ended up in my lap "J-john st- Nya!~" Kurois moan made my member twitch to life "G-get your hand o-off my thigh!" Kuroi shouted and covered the semi-hard on he had "Kyyyyle help me" Kuroi whined trying to get John to stop "Hm..With what? " I laid a hand ontop of his slowly moving it to show his semi-hard on "Help with this?~" I whispered into his ear "N-ngn, N-no s-stop it!" He whimpered then gasped when John poked it "someone's hard" John said smirking "Would you mind if he helped you with that kuroi?" I nipped at his neck making his shudder "n-ngn..I-I dont k-know.." He mumbled. I Lifted his shirt and brought it up to his lips "Here bite on this while John helps you out mkay?" he nodded and bit onto his shirt and it sounded like he gulped so to help him relax I nipped at his ear making him jump closing his eyes "Alright John I think hes ready to get help with his little problem" I said smirking 'This might actually work..'

I shuddered feeling Johns hand on my thigh and Kyles teeth on my ear "D-don't t-t-t-touch there J-john" I tried moving away but Kyle made sure I stayed still by either biting my ear or just holding me down. "Aw you wanted the attention though right?" I heard the smirk in his voice as he pulled down my shorts and boxers and quickly covered my member "d-d-don't look" I whimpered out "shhh Its okay Kuroi" Kyle whispered into my ear licking it, slowly running a hand down my arm stopping at the wrist to move it. After succeeding in moving my hand with my weak resistant's John instantly dove in like it was candy licking it "Nya!~ D-d-don't l-lick it!" I gripped his hair trying to move him away but he wouldn't budge just bobbed his head more "Hah~ ah n-ngn~" I leaned my head back "wanna help me with my problem as well Kuroi?" Kyle spoke up making me look at him "w-what? N-ngn~ Nya!" I gasped when he put my hand down his pants and boxers "Its your fault Kuroi, seeing you moan like this, your face, and the noises you make I just cant help it anymore" he nipped at my ear again 'I-It's hard...and hot in my hand' . "w-with my mouth o-or h-hand?" I mumbled out and shuddered feeling Johns tongue swirl around my member "what ever makes you comfortable" I nodded moaning out slowly rubbing Kyle with one hand  gripping Johns hair with one "J-john s-stoop I-its coming" I moaned biting my bottom lip feeling Kyles breath on my face trembling as I rub him more "s-sto- N-ngn!~ AH Hah!~" I laid back on Kyles lap "n-ngn! I-its c-coming S-stop hah!~ M-Move your head!~" Gripping Johns hair more I felt my member go to what I'm guess was the back of his throat and ended up cumming into his mouth "NYA~!" I shouted and squeezing Kyles member reciveing and gasp and soft moan from him "Kuroi...~" I breathed heavy looking down at John who was looking up at me licking his lips "mmm~ Thanks but now I'm hard as well mind getting on your hands and knees to relieve myself?" I blinked sitting up "w-what do you mean?" I looked from Kyle to John who were both smirking "come on just do it and face me Kuroi" Kyle said helping me to my knees facing him "wh-what are you gonna do?" I said looking back at John but Kyle gently grabbing my chin and made me face him "you still gotta help me with ym problem" I nodded "I-Ill try my m-mouth" I said and leaned down before hearing his response and slowly wrapped my lips around the tip of his member trying to do what John did to me but I probably was failing terribly. I felt a hand on my head gently grip my hair "mmm Kuroi~" He softly moaned "Kuroi you have gotten much more braver lately" John chuckled then I felt a hand on my butt making me jump "seems like you forgot I was here" John said feeling a finger going into me making me  gasp and pull Kyles member from my mouth and look back at John "H-hey! w-what are you doing!" I shouted at him "Hey come on Kuroi I just want to relieve myself while you help Kyle" he said and thrusted his making me moan out and lean back down to suck onto Kyles member again to muffle my moans "I guess that's my sign to continue" John chuckled moving his finger more then slowly added another one making me moan again "Fuck~ John stop making him moan its causing vibrations" Kyle said. I pulled away from his member and licked up and down it "A-ah~ Mmmm" John thrusted his fingers faster then took them out making me shudder and suck onto Kyle again closing my eyes then jumped feeling something else press again my butt "Don't be surprised from this and bite Kyle alright Kuroi?" John asked whispering in my ear making me shudder and slowly nod "Good kitten" I felt him move away then slowly slid into me making me moan out which also caused Kyle to moan "Shit~, Kuroi your teasing me right now" Kyle spoke and gripped my hair more and made my head move up and down onto to his member his breath slightly going faster "Mmm~ there we go" He said letting go of my hair but left his hand on my head letting me work on my own as John started to thrust deep into me making me let out muffled moans which then was echoed moans from Kyle. Moving my head faster I decided to  grip onto my own member and rub myself while John gripped my waist going faster "Mmm!~" I moaned loudly bobbing my head faster then soon Kyle groaned "Kuroi going to cum~" So I bobbed my head faster "Cum on his face Kyle, that would be sexy I bet" John piped in and thrusted deep making me pull away and arch my back "NYA~" I shouted out "oohh I think I found it" John chuckled and grabbed my hair pushing my head down as Kyle moaned out loudly, cum landed on my face making me gasp blushing 'I-its on my face oh god what do I do, whaat do I do!?!?!?' I was pulled from my thought when John hit the spot again and I shouted arching my back shuddering and ended up cumming on the couch "AH!~ hah N-no m-more t-t-to much AH~" I gripped the couch laying on Kyles lap who was chuckling like a jerk "Aw John don't be so mean to the kitty" Kyle laid a hand on my head gently petting my hair. Breathing moans echoing the house I came again when John grabbed my tail and stroked it as he came inside of me making moan even louder than before. "N-ngn" I shudder when he slowly pulled out leaving me there a trembling mess. "Think he got enough attention?" Kyle joke making me sit up and glare at him "h-hush!" I crossed my arm then blushed feeling the cum inside me slowly seep out "e-er....c-can we b-bath please" I mumbled ears flattening against my head "pft" John started laughing and soon Kyle follow which made me blush more "h-h-hush it both of you! jerk!" I groaned grabbing a pillow covering my face 'This might not be as bad as I thought it could be...'


wow, uh


that uh that's a lot o.o sorry its long  0.0

WOW that really went a different path then expected! GEEZ FREAKING 1721 words! SHIT!

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