Chapter 2

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"Atem... GET UP"

These are the words spoken to me as I lay here unwillingly on the ground. This cold stone floor, it binds me in place. Like a cage, it keeps me from reclaiming my desires. My tired muscles cry out when I so much as twitch a finger, much less move my body. What is it I'm doing here, wasting such needless time? I can't remember anything apart from my name, my title, and my people. I scoff. I categorize the word people  as if we share no personal relationship. I've forgotten faces, names, but... not her.

"Her?" I smile sadly, amused by my bland memory.

Is that how I address my queen now?

In all I've lost, her existence remains forever printed in my mind. An inseparable bond we share, for me to lose all, but retain the one thing I treasure more than my own life. The one person I can't live without. What's her name...? I mentally curse myself. I don't know how much longer I can endure this.

"...Atem,"  a voice speaks to me.

I let out a light gasp.

"Get up..."  It says.

Get up?  I twitch my fingers, which was the most success I would have. I can hear it; that mocking voice. It watches me from afar, laughing at my poor state of mind... tempting me to do what it knows I can't. The fact that I remain firmly planted changes not. My pride is like a candle, and the darkness that drives my fear represents a chilling wind. I carefully observe my surroundings. Wherever I go, I'm prisoner to this place. Why should I move? What could possibly be gained from doing so...? Pain. I'm content here as I am, but I'm not in control. That is what bothers me. My body is paralyzed against my will. My own body... it disobeys me. No, I won't accept that!

"Get up!"

These voices... won't they go away?!  My fingers twitch harder. I exert a strong mental strength, unlike before. I get a clear mind, and a set objective. I curl my fingers forward until they tuck under my hand. The skin comes into contact, and the feeling I had lost... the numbness which I had received upon waking up in this damned place, it went. I felt warmer, somehow. My spirit grew stronger with the little success I had. I take in a deep, calming breath. I try moving my arms. I use the ground to push myself up. Slowly, very slowly, I begin to break free. A gasp escapes my lips as my body sits itself up, my back left brushing up against the wall. I was so tired. My body was in such pain, but I had to stand. My hands touch the back wall, feeling the detail on this intimidating cage. My legs shake under me, begging me to keep seated. I have to get up,  I tell myself. But I can feel it. The force trying to hold me down, this pain... It wants to control me. I'm the one who chose this, and I'll endure it for as long as I can. The darkness is weak against a strong mind. I'll use this to my advantage. My legs straighten and attempt to hold my weight, desperately struggling to keep from collapsing. They wobble under me, and I have to use the wall as support, but at least I was one step closer to regaining my pride. My shaking soon stops, lasting no longer than a few minutes. I couldn't hide the apparent sigh of relief from my face.

I had my body back, and for once, I felt like I had taken back some form of control. Though, this was a little accomplishment. I had no idea what was going on: my first disadvantage. I was also alone, soon to go mad after a while. If this place was an eternity, I would spend every waking hour on my own, repeating the same scenario over and over. The only exception I noticed however, and it quite unsettled me, were these cursed voices. I didn't know anything about them. I was greatly frustrated. They had suggested I get up, but why... were they unaware that I could, thus teasing me? Or were they trying to help? And if they were helping me, then only some of them. Just what were these voices exactly? Or perhaps, who were they? Could they possibly represent people from my past? It sounds far fetched, but one of them in particular... the one just now... There's something I'm not understanding.

I don't need to stay here, and I know just what I have to do to get answers. This place can't be empty. There has to be more to this. And when I first arrived, what was that dark presence I felt? I had mistaken it for someone watching me. It's unlike the voices. It has completely different intentions. I compare it to the darkness, but I have a feeling that it's the mind behind it. And if that feeling came from here, then I mustn't stay for long. This place will do things to those who wander... those who think they're safe. If I hadn't given in to my mind, I would have lost myself.


Another chapter finished! I'm really enjoying writing this, so I hope y'all will enjoy reading. And don't worry, we'll get to some of the good stuff in here soon. x) I think I'll have a set upload time now though. I'll upload twice a week, every few days. One chapter on Sunday, and one chapter on Wednesday...   

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