Chapter 14

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All is silent now, save for my own beating heart. I hear the sole of the figure's foot making contact with the floor.

Tap... Tap...

He takes two steps away from me, but not enough for my liking. I feel as though we stay here for a while, but perhaps its only my mind getting caught up in the dissatisfaction of wasted time. My anticipation is painfully high. Oh, how I wish for all of this to be over with; how I wish so desperately to return to my friends and loved ones. If my sacrifice was for them, then I have no regrets. I can't hear you anymore, my queen. Have I lost you for good...?

"Pharaoh..." my imposter spits out, "I feel your lament towards the others. It would be so easy to join them. You would be able to see your queen again... escape the suffering. Isn't that what you want? Or will you waste your last breath, and die here miserably?"

He speaks of a way out, but even he is bound here by rule. A ghost, plaguing this broken mind of which I am forced to uphold. Snide words play me for the nothing I am. All I hear is illusion, disguised in the form of hope... and as our eyes are brought to meet, I'm aware of the anticipation which is hidden behind them... ever so maliciously do his eyes watch me, for as my heart is brought further into darkness, I drown in the weight of its sin. This situation is the cause for which I contradict myself. As such, my body cries out in the hope that I end its pain, while my mind scolds me for even suggesting the possibility of escape. My lips parts briefly, slightly quivering as my tongue helps to emphasize what I hold utmost confidence in. There is no way out...

The corner of the figure's mouth rises slightly in time with my thoughts, a smirk painted across his face. I watch his daunting eyes provoke me with amusement, letting down their guard as they were once unreadable. Still, his expression emits an uncertainty. His undeniable confidence forces easy persuasion... How long until I waver? You take advantage of vulnerability, but what do you see behind my gaze? Do weary eyes conceal the pain of a worn down soul? How long must this game persist, until you pry out the deepest part of my sanity? The part of me needed to ensure survival, lest I beg for the satisfaction the darkness provides.

"King of games..." he speaks. The words roll smoothly from his tongue, "Will I still be able to call you that when all is finished?"

His gaze softens, but he can't hide the malice projected from those eyes. Whilst I stare into a copy of my own amethyst, I begin to understand his belittling demeanor. How little I must appear, to one in complete control.

"All of this pride you carry... all of this honor you speak... why don't you show me with action? You won't back down from a game; I know that well enough. But you really must wonder... what do I know? Come now, accept your fate..."

He cuts off his final sentence as his face inches dangerously close to mine. Frozen lips press themselves unwelcomed against my ear. Just as well the coarse breath that holds onto them. His whisper gets lost in a deep chill while he demands, "I want to hear it from you." I try to pull away, but he expresses a determination unlike what I've yet seen. It feels so unnecessary, but I can sense the way he craves this dominance. I don't.

"Say it," he demands more aggressively.

He's right about me; my pride won't allow me to turn him down. If this game is the only way out, then what have I to lose?

"Alright," I give in short tempered, "We'll do it your way. Just know, I'll never give you the satisfaction... of seeing me lose."

"King, you know nothing of what I intend. It'll come to you in time, but... what I'm counting on isn't your loss. It's your victory I plan for."

Mixed with the unsteady aroma this room casts so abruptly upon us, I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach... it's your "victory" I plan for... This feeling of uneasiness... my head tells me I can't trust him, but I'm in no position to argue. In the past, I've dealt well with unpromising situations; that is my pride. If I can only remain calm now, and level my thinking... but (Y/n), how can I think, when all of my focus is directed towards you...?

"Let us not stall any longer, pharaoh... game start!"

So suddenly, my vision becomes a blur. A light gray clouds my eyes so that I have trouble seeing. What is this I smell... is it smoke? Everything disappears so slowly, including the enemy I've been so desperate to rid myself from. My tense body relaxes with this no doubtfully drugged atmosphere... why so tired now? Though out of sight, I can still hear his cursed voice in my head...

"In my game, there are no rules... only death awaits you. That is my satisfaction."

My eyes rest with these words as a final closure. Accompanied by the pleasure of sleep, my mind drifts off to another place, this room left sitting forever dark...


Hey guys! Long time no see! Apparently, if I don't give myself a deadline, I never get anything done. From now on, I'll be uploading every Sunday, starting from next week on the 22nd. I was going to make this chapter a lot longer for you guys, but just trust me on this, it would have ruined the flow. My writer's block is over, and I pretty much know exactly what I'm doing now. The story is about to take a turn, and it's all starting next chapter. I'm really excited! cx


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