Chapter 17

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As quickly as we set off, the door to the throne opens abruptly. In this time I had taken lead among the others. I wear a look of determination; my entrance is that of a king, confident in what he's doing. I've made my promises, and now I intend to fulfill them. I hold my hand in the air, motioning for silence as the council is gathered around, now stiff and focused due to my presence. The tension here in the throne relaxes as Seto speaks out amongst the others.

"Akhenaden... catch him up."

Both men nod and I walk forward seriously, now facing the elder. Everyone here has such knowledge, though my thoughts are little and limited; I won't burden anyone because of this. I count on them to inform me of what I wish to know. If only I myself do not ask questions, nobody here will catch on to my disorientation.

"We just got word this morning," he says solemnly, "The future that Lady Isis envisioned... it's coming to pass accordingly. The millennium items have done their duty thus far, and yet without them we are powerless to do a thing."

"The millennium items..."

Unconsciously, my hand goes to press against my chest, expecting to touch the rope of where my necklace usually hangs. Shock fills me as I take in its absence and revisit the previous words of Akhenaden. Without them, we are powerless... I didn't forget the puzzle this morning, it's simply not there. The others don't seem to react. How long has this situation been going on for?

"While you were missing , pharaoh," Seto adds in, clearly annoyed at me for the search party he was forced to send out earlier, "an entire city was target to a powerful assault... guards, bring forth the man."

I turn my head around as a stranger is brought up to the throne. His stride is weak and limp, yet he still walks towards me, and bows respectfully in my presence.

"He was one of the village survivors," Seto continues. "He rode here seeking help from you. Now, let him speak so that we may find out what he knows."

"Speak then," I motion the man in agreement.

"My pharaoh..." he says. He looks into my eyes so that I can see the suffering behind his. His voice is shaky, barely grasping what little words plague his tongue and thoughts; all of this done with sadness and longing. He doesn't wish to speak, but he came to me knowing that I could help. For that, I stretch out my compassion. When he finally continues, it's just as we all fear...

"What grief I carry today, oh great pharaoh... you haven't seen the destruction this man has caused... the wounds he has inflicted among us. Those eyes have no mercy, neither does he a heart. He is a thief, but not after treasure... he's after blood."

My eyes suddenly avert their attention as I see Seto and Shada whispering amongst themselves. I have yet to remember this man, the 'thief'. I can't ask directly, for that would be shameful at such a time. However, I plan to get my information one way or another.

"Seto," I look over, "What do you have to discuss, that you can't share out loud?"

"Pharaoh, you must already know," he replies, "this thief he describes... does it not match the description of the man we've been after? It is  him... there is no question. And what's more, the thief king must still be in the village."

"You can't know for sure," I worn.

"After what happened with the millennium items, how could you ever doubt his power? Who else do you know that has the capability of throwing an entire village into such a frenzie?! I've given you the truth, and you know it as well. Now, what will you do pharaoh, as the city burns, and we sit here and speak?"

"Remember your place!" Karim cautions, "Let the pharaoh deal justly with the matter on his own accord..."

"No," Akhnaden interrupts, "Seto is correct. To think anything else would be foolish. We've all seen what he's capable of... not even our strongest ka could stand up to his. If we don't take advantage of this current time, we could lose him again. Pharaoh, it is up to you, but may I suggest going up into the city to scout? I could have a search party organized immediately. This would be the wisest action."

I feel an immense pressure fall upon me suddenly. So many choices to make, and I can't discern which one is best. In such dark times, there is no room for even the slightest mistake; an entire nation hangs in the balance. What should I do...? They all look to me for advice, but compared to the others I am still in my youth. In the eyes of elders, and those who came before... even to my father, I am inexperienced in comparison. With that said, I'll follow my heart to the very end. I hold this country's success dearly within my pride. It must not fall, because of me... it is my responsibility... it is the burden of a king.

"A search party... would be best." I hesitate my words, but only under immense stress.

"So it is settled..."

"However," I interrupt. The room's focus now shifts towards me, their ears caught up in the anticipation of whatever else I had to account for. "I will be going with you."

"Pharaoh!" Seto snaps instantly, "That is not wise! If something were to happen to you...!"

"I'm not your concern at the moment," I protest. "It is as you said; the city is under flames. Am I to sit here and do nothing as you risk your lives in the fight?! No, it is already decided. Mount the horses, go and organize the guards, we leave immediately." 

With this Akhnaden gives me a pleased look, and goes about with his job.

"You heard your king! Go and tell the others!"

As the guards respond and leave, the throne is cleared from the rest of its uneasiness, all except for Seto. I understand his concern for me. I know this with honesty. As is always the case though, if it came down to my life or Egypt, he already knows the answer.

"Lady Isis," Seto speaks troubled, "Have you no other future in mind?"

"...If only I still had my necklace, I might have an answer for you..."

I step away from my throne to get ready, but he stops me as I do, persistent about having me stay.

"Pharaoh," he tries to persuade me, "Are you really sure?"

"Seto," I reply, "I thank you for your worry, but not even you can stop me from doing what must be done. I'll feel better if you tag along side me. If you are so concerned for my life, then maybe you ought to. As for myself, I've already made up my mind."

"Then, I will go and ensure your safety..."

I nod softly. "So be it then."

After this, I walk towards our two tallest doors, symbolizing the strength and protection this palace provides. Once I leave, my safety cannot be assured. However, even in a place so secure as this... safety doesn't last forever.


Almost missed the deadline again. I was about to get kicked off the computer, so I kind of sped through the last part. (if the story flow changes and sucks, that's why) I did this all today, because, procrastination. Sorry! xP If I ever skip the deadline, then please check out the conversations page, because I'll probably write there with an explanation. Also, I've just started speech class up, so I'm going to have extra writing on top of this. I'll try to keep updating, but I do have a life. Of course, sometimes things just get in the way. With that said, this might be my longest chapter, according to the word count. Hope you all enjoy this; totally exhausted now though. xD This next part is really important. And I'm trying to do research and stuff to see how I can make it all work out in the end. If I need a bit more time to work out the plot, then that's what I'm going to have to do.

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