Chapter 18

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The night air, ever so enticing as its breeze catches each strand of hair, sending it back gently as my skin glows proud under the moon's light. The scarce trees produce music as their leaves rustle together, and their old wood creeks. My eyes are a reflection, capturing this full sky. Each star speaks to me something beautiful, but it's beauty becomes overshadowed by somber; that of which carries our nation through this grave night. The color red flashes before my vision. Fire dances, but not for my delight. I feel its cold wood as I grip the handle firmly, my face now illuminated by a torch's light. Where the stables are normally a place of solitude, I find my reclusive spot to be crowded with urgency and clamor. The gentle beasts who were once asleep here scuff their hooves in disturbance. As the doors were forced open, so too did these creatures awake, startled by our quick movements in such a dark environment. They pick up on our tension and distress, reciprocating our restlessness. They whinny aloud, capturing my attention as I soon try to calm my fearful companion. A loyal and noble stallion I have, its white coat attempting to mimic the beauty of Egypt's glaring moon. Its size intimidating the hearts of my enemies, those who dare cross me bare back. I stroke his nuzzle comfortingly, and pat his neck. With my voice low enough for only him to hear, I whisper,

"I need you again, my friend..."

"Alright! We mustn't waste time! There are people out there who are in need of our help!"

My gaze is turned away as I catch ear of Akhnaden's wired voice. His obvious strain is a reflection of age, but no doubt effective in realizing a new energy. I give Seto my approval before eagerness clouds his discipline. No doubt, he would have me follow if it meant quickening our departure. In the end we all share one mutual goal, though each of us hopes to attain something different. I want to know who this man is; the cunning thief who commands the night, lurking behind the shadows like a rogue gone mad. Stealing for sport? Leaving a city to beg under my protection... I will interrogate this fool. It is my position to do so. Let's see which one of us is left begging when the deed is done. Once I saddle my ride, I throw myself over the horse's back. I take hold of the reigns, and steer him away from the palace.

"Akhnaden," I say, "Why don't the guards and myself follow your lead? You know where you're going better than I."

With this simple command, we set off towards the city at once. I haven't a clue what to expect when we get there. A gray cloud rises from among the valley. No doubt the aftermath of an early fire. This only entices me on more, as my royal blood demands justice for my people's suffering. Adrenaline courses through me; I feel its energy surge to the tip of my veins. When I ride, I feel free. Away from the palace, I leave my troubles and duty behind. I command this powerful creature, and with its trust I gain full control of these strong, beating hooves. This noise follows us tonight, and gives warning to all who hear; an echo shrouding the land, may it be known that our time to encroachment dwindles on with the passing moon, guiding our way overhead. Several minutes go by...

"There. Stop."

I relax my reigns as each horse comes to a halt in unison. Our sound dies out as the light panting of breath becomes more noticeable. Everyone taken this time to rest, but we have none to spare. The elder in front of me, guiding our way, holds out a hand as he gestures forward with a finger. I almost wish for him to speak out; the silence is dreadful tonight.

"This is it... this is the place," he informs us.

My eyes turn away from the sight; they burn with irritation. The area itself is left in ruin and ashes. Our sapphire sky is blotted out by the dullness of smoke. My nostrils become infused with its strong scent of copper and tainted air. The civilians must have fled as well, for their once towering homes crumble to nothing. This place is dead to my ears, with the only noise coming from our chest; our hearts, pounding anxiously at the scene. I don't wish to acknowledge the truth, but there's nothing left. Were we too late, or was hope never here to begin with...? I can almost see the flashbacks of what took place. Almost immediately I charge ahead. I give a harsh slap of my reigns and take off away from the others.

"Pharaoh!" Seto calls.

I ignore his cry and let emotion take control over my actions. Behind me, the priest motions the others to follow along. In such a dangerous area, it is unwise that I be so far away from them. It is also my duty to restore order, which will only happen once this situation is properly looked after. I must get to the bottom of this. Surely someone is here; they couldn't have all cleared out, though I hopefully wish they got away.

"Don't let him out of your sight," Seto warns, "I don't feel well about this."

After a few gallops, I motion my horse to stop. I hear the sound of hooves behind me as the others have properly caught up, though subtle about keeping distance. As they wait on me to give command, I only sit in silence, as if something were to be gained from doing so. My ears are alert as I wait calmly and listen. There is a small house to my right, much like the others. In general, there is nothing significant about this, but my mind likes to play with me. I am pulled in by a mysterious connection, going cold and trance like. I feel like I need to go in there. I can't explain my emotions. Suddenly I dismount, catching the attention of our group.

"In there," I say, outstretching a finger towards the debris.

Their heads lean forward, as if examining the home for any signs of danger. They seem reluctant, and almost think me crazy for my random gesture. Normally I would agree to this, however, my feelings are never usually wrong.

"Are you sure...?" Akhnaden's wise voice travels through my ear.

By the sound of his tone, I should be asking him the same question. I let my body answer for me, and my head nods half confidently. Perhaps I did not make myself clear, as the elder continues to question me.

"I doubt the thief would take refuge here. Pharaoh, this place is abandoned. We are wasting our time, and putting ourselves at risk no doubt."

"Aren't we here to search?" Seto remarks persuasively, "You heard your king! Dismount and follow suite, but don't let down your guard. He could be anywhere, don't forget that."

I look back towards the others, and to Seto, who constantly gives this party strength in times of concern. His eyes meet mine, covered in the lie that drives him to give me full trust. I would love to tell them positive things, how I know we'll be safe, how I know we'll bring about justice upon this man. However, this is not reality, and I must warn them so, before my confused emotions result in our fall.

"I don't know what's in there," I say truthfully, "We could find trouble, or we could even find nothing. I can't explain myself to you, but either you follow or you don't. This isn't an order. I need to go..."

My eager feet wait not until I finish speaking, and my body pushes forward, guided by this wishful spirit. I feel an immediate grip on my arm, keeping me back with light hesitation.

"No... you'll let us in first."

So was decided amongst them...


Hey guys, forgive me for not updating last week. Still working on a speech, but I figured I could do this real quick. Enjoy all! <3

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