Chapter 23

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"I must speak with my royal advisors at once!"

My voice commands powerfully as I march forward in the company of several guards. A new day dawns; one brought achingly slow with the acknowledgement of heart wrenching nights. I hadn't slept of course, not when there was so much riding on my memories. There's only one person in the palace who I can be sure of. My mind rings repeatedly of a single scenario, in which all faces are blank. Whatever conflict happened with my father in the past, I can trust that they were right there observing. Isn't it safe to say, then, that this unidentified enemy, would all be in their memories as well?

They all chatter away by the time I take place amongst the throne room. Neither one hesitates their speech when I enter, or stops activity to tend to my commotion, for one could easily pick up on my tense, stressful aura. Instead, they whisper to each other, turning their faces from me as they immerse in conversation. What do they say about me? I see my uncle off to the side, along with Shimon. He wears the same crossed arms as his demeanor so demands of him. Ignoring the others, I walk up to them with a punishing expression.

"Akhnaden. I must ask something of you now."

I place my hand firmly around his arm as our bodies become noticeably closer, almost dominantly so. This was meant to be taken as a bold sign towards the need of serious discussion.

"And we have something we need to discuss with you, Pharaoh, as well."

I turn my head around in surprise as those who I had bypassed come to include me in their former conversation. As it turns out, it wasn't just me. We all had the same thing on our minds.

"We have worries concerning our thief, your highness..."

"No," I correct, "This is about far greater than a petty thief! This is about a god, and his wicked intent for our country, as well as a personal attack against myself."

At these words the room became silent, whilst everyone carried a blank expression, peering down at the floor like they were purposely avoiding eye contact. We were dealing with sensitive material, but nothing gave it away quite like the guilt in my uncle's face.

"Akhnaden, is there something you wish to say?" I ask directly, "perhaps the name, 'Zorc', comes to mind?"

Of course he would know, if anyone, but not only him. Are the rest in on it as well? My queen is in danger as long as this secret is kept. I will not jeopardize her life for my sake, nor anyone else's. If there is conflict that needs to be told, I will force whatever information I may desire from them. All of this for her sake alone.

"The name that you speak of," my uncle recalls somberly, "it is a name that was buried away long in the past. I never thought it would come to this. I am... truly to blame for it all."

So it is true...?

"Explain to me!" I demand, "What more do you know? What was once buried shall also be dug up. Don't cower in fear, for we can only gain upon learning the origin of this demonic creature!"

"Your father would be proud, if he were here. You are a fine king. I have no doubt that whatever you seek, you shall also attain. That is why I must tell you. What happened between my brother and I, only us millennium keepers can recall the sacrifice that took place... the one that would eventually drive Aknamkanon to his grave. I-I would give anything to take it back if I could..."

My... father's grave?

"What did you do?" I ask empathetically.

"My pharaoh, please understand... I was grief stricken with the burden of war. Your father and I were on opposite ends of the spectrum. I only did what I thought was right at the time... what I knew my brother could never do. The millennium items we all carry, were not made in the presence of peace, but in the presence of terror and destruction. We had resurrected a thousand year sin, and along with it, a vengeful god. I was met face to face with my own decisions. The sacrifices of Kul Elna burned within its eyes. The millennium items are a weapon, but they fight on our side. If they should ever be returned to the slab..."

"...then the god would be freed," I finish.

My eyes pierce through the guilty faces surrounding me. Their expressions confirm my words. So this is what it comes to, after all of our trouble? I feel regret, even if it is not mine to carry, I sympathize with all of their spirits, lost in the chaos. I grit my teeth.

"Are we fighting a losing battle?!"

It would appear that way, but Akhnaden's facials are calm, even more focused than mine, as it would seem. He hesitates in such a way that makes him appear uncertain. There was more to this than I could ever imagine. He thinks carefully before speaking, as if his words would bring controversy to the entirety of the court. This alone is enough to capture my interest.

"There is... something else written in The Millennium Tome."

"I'm listening."

He sighs troubled, but entertains my curiosity. "Not unlike the millennium ring, the millennium puzzle is also said to being capable of carrying a host. Its of light, and darkness the same."

"You mean to say... It seals souls!"

"BUT," he warns, "Not without sacrifice first! I won't bear the consequences again! Everything always comes with a price."

"At a time like this, can you even speak of such a thing?! We are all the price if he is freed!"

"Are you suggesting then that we do away with the people?!"

"My uncle! What kind of a king would that make me? No! I am suggesting that if there is a price to be paid... to let me pay it!"

"Y-you're mad!"

"Pharaoh! You can't be serious!" Seto snaps, "If anything, we are servants! Aren't we then of lesser value?!"

"Who other than me can command the millennium puzzle?" I shut my eyes whilst imagining its lost presence. In my mind, I've already answered my own question. Yes. This feels right. "Tell me! You all look down upon me with uncertainty, but I'm more decisive at the moment than you five put together. You know well in your hearts that only I can wield its power, therefore, it has already been decided by the gods. Would you go against their wishes, and  mine?"

"A-Atem...?!" A voice chokes behind me from across the room, its sound catching each of us off guard. The arguing stops naturally, and our attention now rests at the entrance to the palace halls. Under the tall arch, a small figure stands frozen, but shaking. A tear of betrayal sneaks past her lids, making obvious the stain that slides down from across her cheek, disappearing with the floor's contact.


Just how long had she been standing there?

Caught up in the emotion she is unable to conceal, she takes off out of sight. Unable to bear my spoken words, or perhaps, displeased to look at my face any longer.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I call.

"Let her go!" Seto instructs me, "We are dealing with the future, not the hormones of a girl!"

I can't hear anyone else among the cries of my queen. I bite my lip, laying to rest my cousin's sarcasm. I have to explain to her.

"(Y/n)! Just, just wait a minute!"

I take off, chasing after her as quickly as I could. This stumbles the minds of the others, earning me also a scoff from Seto. My cousin can be pissed at me all he wants, but I won't allow this mindset from my beloved. Please (Y/n), don't harden your heart towards me.


Yay! I finally got this done in the midst of everything! I'm going to work extra hard not to skip anymore weeks. If I do, it'll be because of something serious. I'll give y'all a heads up now: we only have about 2-3 more chapters left, including an epilogue that I'm going to write. You might be wondering how I plan to end the book so soon. Stick around! I'm only 50% sure that I know what I'm doing. x'D

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