Chapter 4

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I run through the long corridor following the single scream I heard, thoughts invading my mind every second. Is it possible that past the shadows, another person like myself is trapped? Along with my soul, was another sealed inside? This feeling that I have... they're in pain? The darkness here is unforgiving, waiting to exploit the weak, and to break them until they have no will of their own, slipping into an eternity of fear, and sorrow. I myself was barely able to resist this. We've been kept apart all this time, at the beginning of our internal mazes we were bound to never meet. This was suppose to be our fate. In this one moment of silence however, I heard you. You're here somewhere, and I'll seek you out.

(Y/n) POV

You stood before a large window that allowed Ra's light to grace your chambers. Out of all the places at the palace, you spent most of your time here. Your lover Atem, the Pharaoh, would often sit on your bed and gaze at your beautiful frame. The sun would only add to those gorgeous features of yours that he desperately yearned for. Whenever you caught him staring, he would claim that it was for your own protection if his eyes remained locked on you. It was a cute excuse, so you always went with it. It wasn't as if you minded though. Having those gorgeous orbs trail your body always left you in such a helpless state that your king loved bringing out. When you were with him, it seemed as if nothing else mattered. You stared out your window beyond the sky. It was almost as if everything was normal, but that would be wrong. For this was only a memory of what was once so. Reality left you broken. In a place meant to bring joy, you found it an impossible task without him. Him... Why did it have to be him?! All of the others were unaware of what happened that day. The only exception was you and Seto. Before he left, he had spoken something to you. Your mind always seemed to wander back to that day...


"You don't have to go..."  you said in a shaky whisper.

His familiar lips traveled to your ear, planting a soft kiss against your delicate skin. He was so calm on the outside. He could have fooled anyone, but not you. You knew him too well. He spoke to you in such a soft voice. You loved how gentle he handled you. It was this special treatment you adored from him.

"If I don't go... the world will be lost,"  he replied.

You knew the truth of his sentence, and just as well knew that no matter what was said, the strong personality within him would do anything to save his people. Even if it meant giving up his own life to do so.


He silenced you when he put a finger to your lips. He looked into your beautiful (e/c) eyes and forced you to keep eye contact with him. His soft expression already spoke with the most sincerity. He brushed his thumb over your upper lip, enjoying the way you felt. It was this contact that he would come to miss, and loving every bit of it, you were soon held firmly in his arms as you melted into a loving embrace. You hid a couple of tears into his chest, but you smiled at how close he held you. You felt protected like this.

"(Y/n), my queen..." he said. You smiled at the word queen, loving him more for every sweet word he spoke, "It doesn't matter which life we live. I will find you in our next, and you and I will share a beautiful eternity."

/End of Flashback/

A beautiful eternity...

"Atem... this is what you promised me-"

"(Y/n)..." You were interrupted by an older voice.

You gasped slightly, turning your head around to meet the wise eyes of Aknamkanon. You allowed a noticeable sigh to escape your lips.

"...Your majesty," you said, acknowledging him.

He placed a fatherly hand upon your shoulder.

"My dear, relax yourself. No harm can come in this world."

This world... You wore a saddened expression. This was quickly picked up by the former pharaoh.

"Your mind wonders about my son," he said, spot on with his reply, "What are your thoughts?"

"I want to be with him..." You said, your voice now breaking, "I miss him..."

"Right now he is fulfilling his duty. He will be returned to us in time..."

"I haven't told anyone this," you started to say, "But lately, I've been able to feel a presence. I know it's him... I can't be mistaken. He's alone right now, and in pain. It may be true that he's fulfilling some sort of duty, but, your highness... he's suffering! Please, I have to-"

"(Y/n)," he cut you off from speaking. "You know such things are beyond our power... "

"No, that can't-"

"However," he stated firmly, "If you truly aren't at peace here, then it may be in the gods' will to make an exception for you." Your expression changed.

"W-what do you mean...?"

"...Talk to Mahad. I believe he's your best answer. That is all I have to say, child."

"Mahad..."  You said silently.

He was a fine magician. Everyone looked up to him, especially Mana. If anyone would be able to pull off the miracle you needed, it was him. You finally understood the king's words. However, it would be a problem to find him. The palace ground was vast, but for your lover it was worth all your time. The two of you would be reunited soon; that you were sure of.


I didn't have a lot of time to work on this, so I'm sorry if it's a little short... okay, a lot short. I'll make up for it next chapter. And I'm pretty sure you guys know where you are in the story, but if anyone was confused... *cough* Afterlife *cough*

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