Chapter 21

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Later that night, my thoughts take control of me as I lie in bed, tossing and turning. My breathing is heavy, and I pant lightly as beads of sweat stick to my body and face, making my skin appear shiny. No matter how much I lie here, it seems as if my energy will never restore, and the comfort of my linen sheets make me crave rest even more. As my fingers bury into the covers, I slip away into a light sleep, and it is then that I find myself captured by the nature of a haunting dream.

The world is peaceful. The blue sky demands my attention, as it reminds me of the light and warmth that guards the heart against darker intrusions. I see Ra's face lost in the subtleness of it all. The exception to this are the eyes belonging to him. They pierce through white clouds, making up for the lack of sun, though it remains day. His sight is infinite, protecting all who humble themselves beneath his intimidating gaze. An echo of laughing children catches me pleasantly off guard. They skip along happily, unaware of nothing but each other's company. Time goes on without me; everything functions as it should. Grass blades stroke my bare feet enticingly, sending vibrations throughout my body. I relax myself as I lie down among the lotuses. I am lost in the pleasure that consumes me, and I wish to be nowhere else. I outstretch my hand to the sky, imaging the sensations that come from touching the delicate clouds above. Another hand is held out amongst mine. I recognize the gentle skin of its owner, and turn my attention towards the eyes of those which cause me to distance myself from the landscape. Paradise is an understatement. She rests her head in the crook of my neck, and shares in the blissful experience this scenery provides. Two hearts beat in sync, and I am able to lie comfortably with my love, secured in the safety of my arms.

We stay here for awhile, and whilst I admire the vision laid out for me, I also take time to meditate within the blackness of my closed eyes.




I feel the presence of a clock's hand as each second passes me by with a longing for it to stay still. I remember to pay my respects for the serenity given here. It is true, the saying: we don't know what we have, until it's gone.

The grass blades that once caressed my skin come slowly to a still. The ground below me becomes cold, in time with my hidden sadness. My thoughts affect more than I know here, and my unacknowledged fear shapes my dream into ways unimaginable by myself. I begin to ponder at simple, yet important questions, as I look deeper within me for answers. Is it possible, that I fear of losing this? What's holding me back, that I can't close my eyes, without being afraid to open them back up? It is her. It's always been her.

"Atem..." she purrs my name. I want to hear more. "Atem."


My eyelids jut open to this single scream, as if it were the cause for bringing me back to reality, and out of my serene state. I grasp the air, left in place by her warm, fleeting body. The atmosphere is thick, requiring minimal effort to breathe, but effort nonetheless. Everything is dark. My arms brush over my cloth, as I hold myself protectively from the rising heat.

"(Y/n)!" I call in a vain attempt.

My eyes burn in the remains of my so called 'paradise'. It is like before, at the city the thief laid to ruin. The grass, so dry that it catches flame and encircles around me. Its fire cages me in, so that running is not optional. The sad cries of the Egyptian gods hit my ears like thunder in the sky. Obelisk, Osiris.... Ra! One by one they fall, consumed by the same darkness that twisted this peaceful sky until it was nothing more than smoke and ash. Two, red eyes replace Ra's gaze, meeting my own not with comfort, but a lust that I might bear witness to this fearful site.

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