Ch. 8 ●A Little Light●

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Chapter 8...

Moving fast on his feet after jabbing the last of the attackers in the throat, he leaps into the pit, boasting himself with fire to go faster. He had no Idea if he could make it in time, but he knew that he would.

Not simply because her life was on the line, but if he were to loose a princess or let a single one of them get injured, then he was gonna have a problem with the Celestial Nation.

"Lucy!" He yelled, it was so dark, his fire only able to illuminate the small space that was around him. At the corner of his eye, he could see the last tiny fragments of light slipping away, and this drew him even further into a pit of hopelessness.

He sped up, putting all his efforts and strength into this, he wasn't about to let Lucy get hurt.

Reaching his hand out, he could feel her leg, he tugged just a littl, so his other hand reached hers and he held onto her.

His strength, gone, light, disappeared, and hope seemed to be against him as they fell.

It grew damper, he could tell by the increase in speed that they were to hit the ground any second, his eyes still clenched shut, with Lucy dangling helplessly in his arms.

This isn't over, once we hit his ground I'm gonna bust us outta here. He thought, but of course, he was lacking in power, strategy, and he was overall past his limits.

He could hear her mumbling something, he dare not open his eyes to witness his death, but he did see a light flash before his eyes.

A... golden light?

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