Chapter 2: The Tour

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~~~~~Third Person POV~~~~~

"(Y/N) chan?" Seiya asked while facing the (h/c) haired girl.

"Yes" you replied.

Seiya then said,"Because this campus is very huge, it will take the whole school day for the tour so, class officially will start tomorrow for you, okay?"  

(Y/N) then said"Oh, okay" 

As you three were walking, (Y/N) was mostly staring at Takuya at how quiet he was and wondered why.

"Um, Takuya," (Y/N) finally spoke out and the brunette turned his head towards her, "Why are you so quiet?"

" Could you speak louder?" Takuya said with an annoyed tone and took one of his ear buds out.

 Ugh, how rude

" Never mind..." (Y/N) muttered and both of them were very quiet.

Awkward Silence~~~~~

~~Randomly Seiya's POV~~

Why is everyone so quiet, it's so awkward. I guess it's now my job to break this silence in half!(>^<)/

"So... (Y/N) chan, why did you transfer to this school?" I asked when I turned my head towards her.

" I actually didn't want to, I was forced." She replied quietly while looking at the ground.

"Forced? What do you mean by that?"

" Well, I had to come here because on some tests I had gotten very good percentages, and my grades were very high. Then my parents talked with the principal and the principal said I should be transferred here."(Y/N) explained.


~Awkward Silence Again~~

I failed on trying to stop the awkward silence and made it even worse!


The wind started blowing lightly and (Y/N) chan's hair was flowing so beautifully. Wow, she looks pretty cute... wait what?

doki! doki!

Ah! I did not just think about that! Why is my heart beating so fast?!?! No, it must be that pudding that I ate earlier! 

"Uh... Seiya, what's wrong? You're burning up. Do you have a fever?" (Y/N) chan asked as she was very close to me and put her hand on my forehead.

"No, um, I'm okay!" I stuttered as I stepped back. I then hid my face to hide my embarrassment.

I then saw Takuya come close to me and whisper, " Stop acting weird, idiot."

"Aww, thank you for caring about me, bestie!!!!" I shouted cheerfully and squeezed Takuya.

"Agh!! Get off of me Seiya!!!" Takuya shouted.

~~Takuya's POV~~

I just wanted to tell him to stop acting all weird and now he's squeezing me to death!

" Seiya, I told you to get off of me!! (>д<)/" I shouted again as I pushed him to the ground.

"Owchies, Takuya, at least be happy that I'm showing you my gratitude for caring about me... (;o;)/" Seiya murmured. 

" Hey guys, just asking," (Y/N) finally spoke up, " do you guys have a thing for each other??"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT!?!?!?!" Seiya and I both shouted in total embarrassment.

" It is so not like that you idiot!" I shouted at (Y/N) for being so dumb. (ooo, he called you an idiot XD)

" (Y/N) chan, we're j-just best friends n-nothing else" Seiya stuttered while looking very embarrassed.

~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~

Why does Takuya have to be such a big jerk?!

" Okay, okay, I get it. But you don't have to call me an idiot Takuya!" I yelled at him with a glare.

" I can call you an idiot all I want. I don't care about what you think anyway." Takuya said back at me with an annoyed tone.


"Okay guys, let's finish the tour, okay?" Seiya softly said as he was in between me and Takuya to stop arguing. 

~~~Time Skip because I'm just a very lazy author ('-_-)/ ~~~

It was the end of the school day and I was walking back home with Hanako and Misaki. They asked me a lot of questions and I answered most of them. But I kept quiet about meeting Seiya and Takuya. I finally reached my house and said good bye to my friends. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and laid on my bed.

"Ugh... now I have to survive a whole year with those two..."

I thought it will be only one long slow day, but I guess the whole year will be this slow for me.

Lucky, lucky me...


I hope you liked this chapter! (^v^)/

So, just asking, who do like more, Seiya or Takuya?

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