Chapter 7

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Lolol I update so late. ;v;

I thought about adding a bit fan service for the people that weirdly ship Takuya and Seiya 'cuz of Chapter 2 lol. =u=)///


"Takuya!" "Takuya! Come here!!!" Seiya shouted as he was chasing after Takuya. The brown-haired boy was silent and didn't look behind the blonde boy calling after him. "It's obvious you can hear me!! You're just ignoring me! >:UUUUUUUUU"

~~~~~Takuya's P.O.V.~~~~~~


Seiya is such an idiot. I can't believe he shared the SAME spoon with (Y/N).... T_T

UhhG! Why can't I stop thinking about (Y/N)??? I have no interest in her, but she can't get out of my mind. And what Seiya had done.... angered me for no reason....

Ah-----A dead end.

I stopped and looked back at Seiya's tired face.

He let out a sigh and said," hahhh, I finally... caught up to you." He looked up and stared at me, "Can you please explain why you're acting so weird Takuya?! It's not like you! 0-0)//"

"You're right. It isn't like me. Buy what you did was stupid." I plainly said.

~~~~Seiya's P.O.V.~~~

What the--- What does he mean? 

"Takuya, I don't know what you mean. Is something wrong? I need to know," I stepped a bit closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders, "I thought we're friends right?"

He tensed up and his eyes got a bit bigger.

"Friends?," he muttered then turned silent, "... you're right. But I should be asking you the same thing, what is wrong with you?"

There's something wrong with me? This just doesn't make any sense! AAAAAAAAAA

"Takuya...." I furrowed my brows and stared at him.

~~~~~Takuy's P.O.V. (again lol)~~~~~

Hm? I never seen him look this serious, he mostly has an annoying smile---

"What?" I asked coldly.

He stared at me silently then---

*hug* (Seiya hugged Takuya lol :^))))))  )


"TakuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAAAAAA---- ;0; I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!!! LET's JUST IGNORE WHAT HAPPENED OKAY?!?! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE A GREAT AND AWESOME FRIEND LIKE YOU!!!! ;-;" He yelled out with his eyes tearing up.

Ahhhhhhhg >:''UU-

"Okay, okay! Calm down you idiot! Just could you-----"

"Uhhhhh, Seiya? Takuya? You don't have to keep it a secret that you like each other like that." It was (Y/N), it seemed like she followed us and---whAT did she say? >:v

~~~~~~3rd Person P.O.V.~~~~~~~~

Seiya exclaimed, "(Y/N)-chan!!! How many times do we have to tell you!! I-it's not like that 0//-//0!!"

"Pfft, you really think I believe that? This is the second time where I saw you two hugging."

Takuya then pushed Seiya (once again).

"B-but it's not like that--;^;"

"I think it is"

"But it isn't-- ;0;"

"But I think it is-- :^)"

"Shut up you two! T_T Hng, if you believe that, that means you truly are an idiot. C'mon it's almost time to go to our next class," he replied with his normal straightforward voice as he began to walk with a little blush from embarrassment.

~~~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~~~

I wonder what had really happened between them when I wasn't there... Seiya was also staring at me for some reason too.

"Uh.. Seiya? Is something wrong?"

"O-oh! Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something (Y/N) chan! 0v0"

"Oh, what is it?"

"U-uh because tomorrow we have no school due to Teacher-In-service, would you like to come over to my house?! 0v0)///"

Tomorrow, at Seiya's house?? Ahhhh---

"Oh, sure. I'll pass it up--"

"I'm coming too. T_T" Takuya randomly butted in.

Wait I though he went ahead of us---never mind :v

"Wooo! Us three together tomorrow!! I can't wait! And come on (Y/N) chan, the bell rang!! ^0^)//" Seiya cheerfully said as he began skipping in joy.

Can't I have just one day without these two? ':v


Again, I'm so sorry for not updating even tho this is a break too. Splatoon has stolen my life. ;v;

So sorry if the chapter is a bit confusing as well.

What will happen next time when (Y/N) comes over to Seiya's house?? :000c

We'll know next chapter which will take 4EVER to come!! ;;;;v;;;;;)//

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