Chapter 9: A nice time with great friends...or is it?

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Hmmm--- i finally updated,

 after a long, 

LONG random for no reason hiatus-- :''')

Well, I hope you enjoy! (^o^)


It was the next day after when (Y/N) had hung out with Seiya and Takuya.

The morning was slightly cold today as she was walking down the sidewalk. Over the past few weeks she attended the Academy, it's been some time since she saw her other good friends, Misaki and Hanako. 

She began to wonder why she hasn't seen them walking to their school since the public school is pretty close to Musashi Academy. Out of curiosity, (Y/N) thought it would be best to call them to kill some time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the phone was chiming and I was waiting for Misaki to pick up.


"Ah! Hey Misaki. It's been some time since we talked."

"Yeah, it has been, how's the new school, shouldn't you be heading there now by chance?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty close to reaching there. Just curious, I haven't been seeing you or Hanako walking to your school."

"Well, you see, Hanako's sister job shift changed to morning, so she's driving us so it's much easier."

"Oh, I see."

"Sorry that we haven't talked much, maybe after school we can hang out at your place and tell us what it's like at the academy?"

"Huh, yeah! That'll actually be really nice. I'll see ya Misaki." I finally said as I hung up and continued walking. This is actually going to be pretty fun, I need some time to relax with my best friends I thought as I entered the gate at the academy.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to after school 'cuz I'm lazy lol~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The day actually went pretty well. Both Seiya and Takuya weren't that annoying and weird as the other days. I can't wait to see Misaki and Hanako! I skipped down the way home and I saw a glimpse of them at the front of the house. 

"Misaki! Hanako!" I yelled as I began to run towards them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd Person P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~

As they finally saw eachother, they all rejoiced and group hugged.

"It's really nice to see you a-again (Y/N)-chan." Hanako said in a soft voice.

"Yeah, we can finally hang out like the good days, let's go inside!" Misaki shouted with happiness as she pushed both (Y/N) and Hanako inside. (Y/N) saw a note that her mom was out shopping and will be back in an hour or two, so she lead them to her room. She was pretty happy to hang out with her two best friends since it's been some time. She decided to tell them her experiences at the academy as both Misaki and Hanako were really curious. 

"Wow," Misaki said in amazement,"So, two really cute guys are now your friends?! Lucky!! You might as well start a reverse-harem at that school!"

"Wh-what?! It's definitely not like that!" You yelled out in embarrassment. "You see, I don't really have a thing for them. Like they have good looks, but totally not my type-"

"Uhg, you're always like that (Y/N)! You always focus more on school then the cute guys around you. Loosen up, 'cuz I know you'll start to like them more!~" Misaki chimed as she nudged her shoulder.

"U-um, do you hang out with them outside of school by chance?" Hanako quietly asked as she was fidgeting her fingers.

"Well," you began to answer,"Not really. Well I did coincidentally meet up with them at places by accident, and one day I watched a movie. I'm just mutual with them-"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When I finished that statement, I heard a knock on my door. 

It was my mom.

"Honey, I came back. And there's two sweet guys waiting for you by the door, I wonder who they are." Your mom had said as she went down stairs.


Two guys--

Oh no. (A/N: random question, who thought of Knuckles when you read the "Oh no"?? X'''D)

I immediately bolted downstairs to see if I was right. And yep, it was flippin' Seiya and Takuya.

"What the--- guys! How do you even know where I live?!"

Seiya looked pretty confused and said,"Remember when we hung out at my house? After you left, I ran to you and asked for your address so we can hang out at your place! But for today, we're just here for a quick visit^o^"

"Uhhh, I don't even remember that-- and why are you here Takuya?"

"Seiya dragged me here. T_T"

Right before you were going to say something, Misaki had immediately appeared,"Hey (Y/N)---- woaj- who are these guys?~"she said as she slumped on your shoulder lovingly looking at Seiya and Takuya. 

"Uhhh, well these are the two guys are the ones I told you about. Seiya and Takuya!" You replied as you introduced them to her.

Hanako came down as well and (Y/N) introduced them to her as well.

It turns out, Seiya and Takuya just came by to give her a chocolate for no apparent reason. As the two guys left, you saw that both your friends were a blushing mess. It was obvious.

They became new fangirls of Seiya and Takuya. But hey, with that assumption at mind, it gave you an idea!

"Hey, Hanako, Misaki, since it seems like you're crushing on them, i'm gonna set up a date for you two guys!" 

"Huh- what?"



"Are you sure?!"

"Definitely, I want to see you guys happy, so i'm gonna ask them tomorrow and then i'll tell you if they agree too! I'm sure it'll go great."

"(Y/N)... you're the best friend ever!!" Misaki yelled as she tackled you to the ground. 

"Th-thank you so much..." Hanako muttered with a small smile on her face.

"Heh, anytime guys!... could you fricken get off me now Misaki?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~an hour later~~~~~~~~

Both your friends decided to leave and as you waved back you thought,

"Heh, I must be the best friend anyone can have!

This will surely go great!"

What (Y/N) didn't know... it will be the opposite of great.


Lolol, so sorry for the short chapter! Think of it as kind of a filler. And I assure you, that in chapter 10, the plot will go faster. I tend to make things go slow, sorry for the inconvenience! ;v;

I'll try to update soon I swear! 

Until Next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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