Chapter 5: Not much hate

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Hue, hue, hue, look who finally updated? :^))))))))))))))))))))))))


~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~~

The weekend went by so fast as it was a Monday morning for dear (Y/N). "Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng.....", she groaned as she got out of her bed when her alarm went off. "Why must the weekend go by so fast. ;-;" She did her daily morning routine as she had always done when it was time for school. 

As she was walking, she saw her two friends, Hanako and Misaki and went up to say hi.

"Heyo Misaki, Hanako!"

"Oh, hey (Y/N)!" Misaki shouted with glee.

Hanako also replied,"Hello (Y/N) chan..."

~~~~~~~Time skipity-wip Lol~~~~~~~~

(Y/N) when to her first class, which science.

As she went inside she accidentally bumped into another classmate.

"Oh! Sorr------"

"Huh! Hey, watch where your going! Wait- you're that girl that Seiya and Takuya gone lala for."

(Y/n) remembered that girl. She was one of those fangirls of Seiya and that jerk Takuya. "Uh...," she replied," what do you mean by that."

"What she means..," another girl replied when she approached (Y/N)," is that you need to back off. Got that? We're not letting you have Takuya and Seiya all to yourself."

~~~~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lol... what do they think that. I absolutely have no interest in them. Seiya can be a good friend, but NO WAY I would love that huge Jerk, Takuya.

"Um, okay. I literally have no interest in them," I answered," they're yours." I then went to my seat as the girls just stared at me with blank expressions. As I sat down, they came to bug me once again agh.

"Wait. You really mean it?! So, you're not going to get in our way????" One of the girls said.

"Uh, yeah duh."

"Well then, oh! I haven't introduced myself! I'm Fern, and this is my cousin, Airi."

"Hey!," Airi said with excitement," Promise that you won't get in our way for Takuya-san and Seiya-san yo love us 'kay?"

"As I said about a million times, okay."

"Hey, (Y/N) chan!!!!!! (^0^)/" It was Seiya. "How are ya? Oh, heyo Fern-chan and Airi-chan. (^u^)" He said with his signature smile.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! GOOD MORNING SEIYA!!!!!!!" They both shouted with happiness as they were about to faint.

"....Hey. (T_T)" Takuya replied as he made his way in.

"Ahh..." Both Fern and Airi fainted. Lol, such cliche. 

~~~~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~~~

"Uh..... What happened to them?? (0-0)" Seiya asked as he looked down at the girls that passed out.

"The world may never know Seiya." (Y/N) replied.

"Tch, they're just being idiots." Takuya spoke out as he took out his headphones and sat down on his desk.

"Do you really have to call anyone an idiot Takuya?" (Y/N) said with an annoyed tone.

"Hm? I don't call Seiya an idiot much, I usually call him stupid."

"Awwwww!!! Takuya ish so nice to meh!!! Besties 4 ever!!!! (^0^)" Seiya exclaimed as he was about to hug Takuya.


Seiya was then flat on the ground.

"How many times do I have to tell you!? Don't. Touch. Me." yelled Takuya in a stern tone.

"Owwwchies... I'm sowwy.. I won't do it again.. (;^;)" Seiya muttered as he rubbed his forehead.

"Seiya, are you okay?" (Y/N) worriedly asked.

"Ah I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me (Y/N) chan------"

"Everyone, to their seats. Class has started." The science teacher announced as she came in.

Another day in this school..... Hng. 


I'm still so sorry that this took forever. (;u;)

The comments I get from this story. X"DDDDDD

Yes, I do read them, and they're so funny LOl! XDDDDD

Why must Takuya be so mean to Seiya?? :''''U

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