Chapter 4: An Artist You say?

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Hey guys! Sorry that it takes me 4EVER to update.

I'm a very lazy author and it takes me a long time to think of a new idea for a chapter.

Well, enjoy! 



~~Third Person P.O.V.~~

Right after (Y/n) went back home to give her mom the bread, she decided she should to go to the park because it was such a fine day.

"Ah..." She mumbled," it's such a good day to just sit on the bench and relax here." As she was walking around, (Y/N) began to hear a humming noise from somewhere.

~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~

Did I just hear a humming noise? I should go check it out.

As I walked closer and closer to the noise, I saw a blonde haired boy my age painting something.

He looks very familiar. 

"Huh?" the boy said and turned around.

It was Seiya.

"(Y/N) chan!?" Seiya yelled looking very surprised. "Uh, ummmm... what nice weather we're having today, right?"

"Uh yeah, it is very nice. Say, Seiya, what are you doing?" I replied while walking towards him.

"Oh, I'm just painting something."

"Could I see?" I asked.

"Oh sure! But I'll warn you, it doesn't look good."

I went in front of him and saw such a beautiful painting of pansies.

"What do you mean this doesn't look good?! This is totally amazing!"

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"What do you mean this doesn't look good?! This is totally amazing!"

~~~Seiya's P.O.V.~~~

She really likes it?


"Uh-um thanks you (Y/N) chan! I've been practicing a lot."

"Do you like pansies?" She asked.

~~~~Your P.O.V.(again)~~~

"Hm? Yeah I do." he replied," when I was young, I used to always visit my grandmother. She had a beautiful garden filled with pansies."

"Oh, do you still visit her?" I asked.

"No not anymore...she's now gone...."

I think that was really wrong of me to ask...

"I'm so sorry about that...I didn't know.."

"Oh, no, it's fine really. As my grandmother said when I was young, no matter what happens, it's always better to smile." Seiya said as he placed his paintbrush down and faced me.

"So...could I see your smile (Y/N) chan?" He asked.

I looked up at Seiya and saw the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. With that, my lips curved to one as well.

" Your smile is really cute (Y/N) chan, don't let anyone tell you other wise."

" thank you Seiya."

"Anytime. Oh look!" He shouted while pointing to a cart,"there's snowcones! Yay! I'm going to get one for me and you!" He then ran off to to the snowcone cart.

Seiya's back to his normal hyper self, how cute-

Wait what? Did I just say he was cute?

~~~~Seiya's P.O.V.~~~~~

Wow... (Y/N) chan is so adorable when she smiles...

Wait did I just say she's adorable?! Nope, I think It's because of this blueberry snowcone that's making me think that! Yes that's it! I need to take a break from sugar oh well!

"(Y/N) chan! Here's your snowcone!" I shouted as I ran up to her.

(Y/N) then said,"Thank you Seiya. And I have to go, so see ya at school tomorrow!"

She then ran off with the snowcone in her hand.

I'm eating too many sweets, now I'm thinking about such weird things!


Finally, another chapter updated!

Man, Seiya is SUPER dense, lol! XD

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