Chapter 3: I saw him, at the bakery?

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(A/N) Sorry that I was gone so long. Depression finally left a few days ago, then I started thinking about a new idea for this new chapter. Now that I look at the reason I was depressed, I cringed, man I need to stop being such a sad sack. X'DD

Well, on to the story, enjoy! (^v^)/

(Sorry that it's going to be pretty short. ;-;)


The whole first week went by faster then (y/n) expected. It's finally the weekend as she woke up by the sweet sound of the birds chirping outside.

"(Y/N!!!" Your mom shouted from downstairs.

"Mmm...what is it mom?"

"Dear, could you go out to Kazumi and Family's Bakery to get some bread?"

"Okay mom." (Y/N) then got ready, ate her breakfast, then went out to the shopping district. She finally reached the bakery. When she opened the door, (Y/N) then heard a crash with a lot of dinner rolls on the floor.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry that my daughter dropped that!" A random woman apologized as she held her little daughter.

(Y/N) then heard a familiar voice.

"Ah no, it's fine. I'll pick it up." 

It was Takuya Akitashoten, that jerk of a classmate from the new school your attending. He then looked up and saw you, and his eyes went wide.

"What are you doing here?!?!" he shouted.

~~Your P.O.V.~~~~

Why's he so shocked?

"It's kind of obvious that I'm here to get something, duh." 

"That's not the point!" He yelled then immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"Dude, what's your problem!" I yelled at him and pulled my hand away.

"Do not tell anyone that I work here. You got that?" He said with a serious tone.

"Um.. that you work in a bakery? Why not?"

"I just don't want anybody else to know. Seiya knows as well. You see, this is my family's bakery. My Dad, Kazumi Akitashoten , runs this place."

"Are you forced to work here or something?" I asked.

"No, I'm doing this 'cuz I want to. I really like baking, it's my passion, a few years later, I'm going to own this bakery."

"Oh... ok." I replied.

~~Takuya's P.O.V.~~

Wait, why am I telling this to an idiot girl like her?

"Ugh, okay, let's go inside. You wanted to buy something right?"

"Yeah..and I have a just one question too." (Y/N) replied with a smirk.

What is she up to?

"Hm? What is it?"

"Could you lower the price of the bread for me? 'Cus you know that I'll tell everyone that-"

"Be quiet! And fine!! If you dare tell a soul-"

"Thank you!" (Y/N) said in a cheerful tone. (Very clever, reader chan! XD)

We both went back inside and she bought the bread  and finally left. 

Ugh... she is such a pain...

But Why do I feel so warm inside when she's near me?


(Again, I'm sorry that this chapter was pretty short! ;v;)

Oh yeah, I just want to say this now, I'm NOT anti-social.

I do have have real friends that I can physically see. And I do go outside a lot. XD 

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