Chapter 8: Hanging out!! ...I guess?

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Hello, hello everyone. Miss me? ;^)

*cricket noises*

 ... ;v;

Lolol, okay, sorry for the huge Hiatus! It's because I had a huge writer's block and stuff. ;w;

Now, onto the story!


The day has come. For you to be alone, with Seiya and Takuya. Uhg.

As (Y/N) went out of her house, you received a text message from Seiya about his house address. You began to head up there as the nice breeze was blowing your (h/c) hair. It was actually a really nice day outside, maybe you might hang out with Seiya and Takuya outside. Then (Y/N) began to wonder----

~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

...why did Takuya insist in coming too? Does he think i'm his good friend?


I guess he wants to be with Seiya more!! :0

Pffft, I knew he had a thing for him. >:)

I stopped and took a left turn. Just a little more until I reach the destination...

*10 minutes later lol*

I'm petty sure this is the right address, I should knock.

*knock knock!!*

*door opens slowly*

Then Seiya's head popped up and he seemed excited as ever as he immediately squeezed me to death while yelling, "(Y/NNNNNNNNN)!!!!!! You caaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMME!!!! (/^0^)/" He looked really nice as he was wearing a blue shirt and orange hoodie.

"Gah, yeah I did.. heheh..." I muttered trying to gasp for air.

"Oh, so you did come... T_T" Takuya said coldy (as always) as he came out as well. He was wearing a casual tie shirt with a brown sweater vest.

"Yeah and...??? ':v"

"Hnng..." He went back inside.

What's his deal?! 

Seiya then held my hands and happily exclaimed,"(Y/N), we're going to have so much fun, I have lots planned, let's go inside!" He then pulled me in. As we were inside, man, his house was beautiful. I guess his parents had a floral taste in fashion. There were beautiful drawings of flowers, and then I noticed that drawing that Seiya had painted when I saw him in the park.

"Hey, Seiya, did you draw all these paintings? They're wonderful."

"Yeppit-y yep! All made by yours truly! ;D You really think they're wonderful?! Thank you!"

"Heh, no problem, your a great artist."

"You're so nice (Y/N)----"

"T_T" Takuya immediately popped out of nowhere.

How does he even do that???

"Uhh, is there something you need, Takuya?" I asked.

He then looked at me for a few seconds then replied,"Nothing from you. Hey Seiya, I got some Strawberry Cheese cake if you want some. I put it in the kitchen."

"AAAAAAAA---!!! Really?! UR the best Takuya!!! ;W;" Seiya had yelled enthusiastically as he ran to the kitchen.

Now, it was just me and Takuya.

Me and that jerk face.

He looked straight at me with a cold face expression and asked," So, have you told anybody?"

"Anybody what?"

"Stop playing dumb, you know what. Key word, bakery."

"Ahhhh, no, haven't."

"Good, keep it that way."

I was confused ans asked him,"Why do you think I would tell anyone?"

"...I thought you were one of those people who have a big mouth to telll everyone.."

"Why would I do that? I wouldn't break a promise with a friend."

"Wait what?" He looked at me wide eyed like I just said something really weird.

"Um... what?"

"We're... friends..?"

"Uh... yeah! I think we are, right???"

He stared at me and I stared at him which felt really awkward until he was about to say,"...




Thank you for thinking i'm a friend. You're not that bad yourself I guess...*small smile*"

Wait what.

Takuya... The Takuya Akitashoten...


I was so weirded out, man.. I never knew he can smile...

~~~~~3rd Person POV~~~~~~

After that small awkward conversation, the two of them headed to the kitchen where Seiya was. He was there, face flat on the counter, with the whole Strawberry Cheese Cake gone too.

Takuya rushed to Seiya and patted his back,"Uh, Seiya, you ok?"

Seiya slowly got his head straight and murmured, "That cake was so yummy. =v= I ate it all ahhhhgahaghgahgha---" He then leans onto Takuya.

"Uhhhhg, I know I brought you this cake, but you didn't have to eat it all!"

"But it was soooo yummy!! =^="

"Uhhhhhg--- T_T;"

(Y/N) then said, "I actually thought it was cute of him to do that."

Both Takuya and Seiya gazed upon her with a confused look as they said in unison, "Cute???"

"Uh, yeah, it's actually pretty cute that Seiya eats all these sweets," as you said that, a bright smile came upon her face.

As Seiya took that all in, his cheeks flushed bright pink and looked away as he stuttered, "A-ah!! Th-th-thank y-you (Y/N)!! I-I d-don't deserve such a kind c-compliment!!"

As (Y/N) was about to say something, Takuya butted in (once again lol) and said, "Uh, let's just stop with the compliments and watch a movie, ok?"

Both (Y/N) and Seiya agreed, and for the rest of the afternoon, you watched a funny romantic comedy. Later on, as it became evening, you thought it should be best if you go home. You waved your goodbyes to both guys and began your walk back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That was actually pretty fun hanging out with them.

It was pretty weird how Takuya and Seiya acted a bit different, but never mind that...

Instead of being annoyed at them, why do I suddenly begin to feel warm around them?


The end of this Chapter!

I hope you enjoyed this!

What might happen next? >vO

Once again, for the one millionth time, I'm so sorry for taking so long to update! ;v;

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