Chapter 6: Confusion, Jealousy, and Pudding?!

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Ahhhh, another really late update! :'''U

I'm so sorry. ;-;

I remember putting in my A/n saying that I'm really busy and stuff, but it seems like some people ignored it... :'''T

Well sorry again and hope ya enjoy! ( ^0^)///


~~~~~Third Person P.O.V.~~~~~

"Remember class to read pages 378-396 on your history textbooks---

*ring ring*

You may be excused to lunch." The teacher had said when the bell rung.

"Ah! Finally, after lunch, 3 more classes to go!! :^DDD" (Y/N) said to herself in excitement.

"But, after lunch and the 3 classes, I have to wait a long time 'till tomorrow to see you again... ;-;" Seiya muttered looking a bit sad.

"Ah, Seiya, don't look so sad. We still get to see each other right?"

"Oh! You right (Y/N)! Thanks so much for cheering me up! ;w;"

Takuya immediately butted in," Look on the bright side. After lunch and 3 other classes, I don't have to hear (Y/N)'s annoying voice. TvT"

"You jerk!" (Y/N) yelled then puffed her cheeks.

~~~Seiya's P.O.V.~~~~~

Oh my-- 0-0

It's happening again! I need to make them stop before another argument happens!! >^<)////

"Guys! We arrived at the cafeteria! Let's sit over there yeah!!! ( ^0^)/"  I began to slightly push them to the area I pointed at.

"Uh-okay then Seiya! :U" (Y/N) replied.

Takuya stayed silent, "... T_T"

Yus! It stopped! Now time to eat my sweets!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

~~~~~~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~

Uh... I wonder why Seiya is so insisting--

"C'mon (Y/N)! Eat up! It's not good to leave your stomach empty!! >:v" The cheerful boy said but with a cute-but angry expression.

Wait---did I say he's cute------ :UUUUUUUUUUU

Ahg! Never mind! I must be tired.. ( -^-)//

"A-ah! Okay! Okay! I will. >:0"

"Yay! Good then! (^w^)/"


I looked across me where Takuya was sitting and----

He looked pretty ticked off.

~~~~~~~Takuya's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~


Seiya is being so annoying. T_T

And so clingy to (Y/N)--

Wait-- Why should I care? She's just some annoying idiot------

~~~~~~~~3rd Person P.O.V. :^)~~~~~~~~

"Oh how I love lunch! I can eat all my sweets without teachers getting mad at me!! *u*)///" Seiya had said as he was happily eating his pudding.

"Well, first off you're not supposed to eat sweets DURING class. Secondly, what flavor of pudding is that? :0" (Y/N) asked with curiosity.

"Oh, it's Boston Cream Pie. Want some!? (^u^)"

"I haven't tried that flavor yet, so sure! :D"

"Okie then! Here!! ( ^0^)///"

(Author's note: I'm so sorry that I'm not sorry. :^))))))))))))))) )

Seiya shoved some pudding in (Y/N)'s mouth.

With a spoon.

The same spoon that he was using when he was eating it.

(Indirect Kiiiiiiiiisssss!!~)


Takuya broke his fork and stood up.





*spills water on Seiya*



"What the-- TAKUYAAAA?! Why you do this to me?!?! ;0;" Seiya shouted as he began to run after the jerk.

"What -the what happened?" (Y/N) was super confused.

Ah, but that pudding did taste good. :0


Lolol, this was super random. :'''''^)

Again, so sorry for updating late! ( ;0;)///

What will happen next as Seiya is trying to catch up to Takuya?

We will find out next time I actually get the time to update. ;v;

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