Home with me

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In a pale blue crystal mansion, just on the couch was Twilight Sparkle. A girl that had a whole new destiny all in less than a month. After discovering magic at a school, she discovered a whole new life. But at first that life came when she became a dark angel she-demon. She may had been beautiful and alluring but she was evil and obsessed with magic and power. But the human Mane 6 showed her the real magic she desired: friendship. Even after this event she still had dark magic. Her dark side , midnight sparkle was desperate to lure her back to the wrong path which Twilight could fight.
The one who had saved her, Sunset shimmer,had not only become her Friend. In fact, the two had grown so close that Twilight and her parents adopted Sunset as twilight's big sister.
Now the two were sitting together on the couch, eating popcorn and watching a TV show.
Sunset held Twilight's hand and gave it a friendly squeeze. She smiled.
"I'm glad were sisters Sci-twi" said sunset calling her by her nickname.
"Me too." She replied.
Spike, twilight's dog, trotted in the room. After the whole magic thing, spike had the ability to talk.
"Hey twilight! Sunset!" He said wagging his tail.
Sunset noticed something between his jaws. Twilight saw.
"Spike is that my new notepad?!" She screeched.
"Uh maybe? It smells like raspberry cake!" He panicked.
Sunset glanced at twilight worried. Twilight felt her anger rip inside her. Her eyes glowed blue like midnight sparkle. Her hands glowed with magic as she began to let out an evil laugh.
Spike whimpered in fear and scampered away.
"Twilight calm down! Your scaring spike!" Sunset sputtered. Twilight realized the situation and her eyes returned to their normal purple. Her hands faded as she took a breath.
"I'm sorry spike, I barely can control it." She muttered sadly.
"I know its hard twilight, I'm just scared of losing you." Spike said.
Sunset stood silently as her fear was said out loud.
She didn't want to lose her sister to dark evil influence. Never again. Sunset felt she would have to do whatever she could to protect her. To keep her little sister safe.

MLPEG: Big Sister SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now