A Mirrored reaction

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"It's called dark mirrors, I just read the novel while you slept!" Sci-Twi whispered excitedly. She clearly wasn't gonna be scared.
The Movie:
The Little sister of the movie was left at home alone. For five minutes. She touched her bathroom mirror, and instantly got sucked in and replaced with her dark soul, set to destroy the world with shadowy aliens...
The older sister comes back and spends about a day with the little sister before finally realizing that the world is about to end. The little sister eventually dies from being possesed.
Big Sister: WHAT HAVE I DONE...
The older sister cries at the grave. When the little sister's dark soul comes to kill her.
Little sister: YOU LEFT ME!
The world ends.
-credits roll-
Sunset was afraid beyond belief. She shook, and cried, and Sci-Twi fed off her fear without any idea.
The girls were pumped and satisfied.
"That was epic!" Rainbow dash shouted.
"Why the looooooooong face Sunset Shimmer?" Pinkie pie chirped as she chomped off the last of their popcorn. Kernels spilled on the red carpet of the theater lobby. "That movie was good!"
Sunset felt like bursting into tears. And crying nonstop. Maybe she should break all the mirrors in the house! But she would definitely get grounded. And besides, way too many mirrors were in their crystal Mansion. Sunset got a better idea. She took out a pair of handcuffs. She always kept that pair In case someone needed cuffing. She took one cuff and put it on Sci-Twi's Skinny purple wrist. Then put the other cuff on her own wrist.
Sci-Twi saw them and gave a small yelp. The girls looked afraid at sunset shimmer.
"Whelp she went too far this time." Applejack said muttering to Rainbow Dash.
"You think?" Rainbow responded with sarcasm dripping from her tone.
"Ooh Horse enslaves human! Usually it's the other way around!" Pinkie giggled.
"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.
"Um sunset, we know you was to be a good sister and all but, cuffing?!" Applejack sputtered.
"Just so she won't leave my sight!" Sunset smiled as if it wasn't crazy. Sci-Twi smiled, but on the inside, she was confused beyond belief.
"Sunset, Sci-Twi is a year apart from you." Rainbow explained.
"I love my sister just as much,  but I don't cuff her to be a caged animal!" Applejack said shocked.
"Sunset, I will be by your side no matter what! You have to trust that." Sci-Twi said as she put her un cuffed hand on her shoulder.
Sunset shimmer smiled and sighed.
"I guess I am being over protective." She said as unlocked Sci-Twi's cuff.
"Good thing too! I had to go pee!" Sci-Twi ran off. But as she started to go, a neon purple car crashed in the building and hit her as everyone ran. Sci-Twi was unconscious from the car.
"Sorry!" Said a familiar voice. From the car. It was Derpy with a driving instructor.
"You failed your test."  The instructor said.
"Sci-Twi!!!!" Sunset cried.
"Should have kept the cuffs!" The girls said in unison.

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