Sinster dreams

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It was late. The girls had gone home. Sunset was tucking twilight in to bed.
"Thanks for tucking me in while my parents aren't here." Sci-Twi said gratefully.
Sunset smiled. She knew it was babyish but, she felt Sci-Twi didn't feel that way.
"Your welcome." Sunset said and she folded her sisters blanket. She leapt off the bed. As she did she hit the lacy night sky canopy above her. She glanced at Sci-Twi's futuristic galaxy room as she left for her own. Sunsets sunny room at the end of the hall looked like a bright rock star would be in it. Yellow carpet and orange wave walls. The furniture was red leather with black accents. She slipped into her black wood canopy bed. She drifted off to sleep.

The house was silent. Sci-Twi was deep in sleep. A small hum sounded. Yet only spike heard. He woke up in his bed and looked at Sci-Twi and saw it. Right by her arm dangling off the bed, a blue smoke slipped into her as it turned black at her touch.
Her hand rolled up and she held her chest. She began to moan in her sleep, whimpering. Spike couldn't ignore it.
"Sci-Twi?!" He said.
She kept moaning and no response. Spike tore off in the direction in sunset's room. He burst the door open. He barked frantically causing sunset to fall out he bed with a yelp.
"Spike? It 2:00 am! What the heck!" Sunset sputtered.
"Something's wrong with Sci-Twi!" He screamed and Sunset eyes bulged out of her head.
She tore out of the room with spike trailing behind. Sunset burst in the room. Sci-Twi had somehow ended up sprawled across the floor next to her bed.
Sunset ran over and shook her.
"Sci-Twi!? What's wrong, can you hear me?" Sunset yelled.
Sci-Twi didn't reply and only moaned and held her chest. Then went limp.
"She is barely breathing." Spike laid his paw on her chest.
"Don't worry." Sunset said. Of course she had to think fast. Then she thought. Sci-Twi could make portals. But she was uncousious.
"Spike, get a spare wire." Sunset commanded.
"Yes. Why?" He said.
"I'm gonna make a portal mirror."
Spike came in a wire.
Sunset attached the wire to her book and the gold metal mirror in sci-Twi's room. Then she touched the mirror as her hand slipped through. She tossed sci-Twi through and jumped through.

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