Flying Donuts

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It was dinner time. At twilight and sunsets mansion. The parents were on a business trip so it was only the 7 girls at the table and spike sitting in his puppy dinning stool.
The friends ate grilled cheese and tomato soup prepared by the chefs.
Sunset fingered her grilled cheese watching twilight carefully for any Midnight sparkle signs. But she seemed normal. until she began to twitch. The girls looked at her strangely.
"Twilight, dear, are you alright?" Rarity asked her voice full of concern.
Twilight gave a forced smile and thumbs up, despite her twitching pains. Sunset sighed as she spoke up.
"Um I'm gonna talk to sci-twi for a second. We will be back" sunset grabbed her arm and dragged her outside the dinning room into the empty hall.
"Sci-Twi, is there something wrong? You can tell me, I'm your big sister now." Sunset held her hands in hers.
"I'm fine sunset, I just have a weird feeling in my mind. Its nothing."
"I understand. Let's just go serve donuts." Sunset said.
Sci-Twi had already gone back in, and sunset went off in the direction of the bathroom to wash her hands and think.
Was her magic growing?
Was she transforming?
Was midnight coming back?
Was she dying?

Sunset couldn't help it but the thoughts just got worse. Death! How silly! Yet possible... No sunset. Don't worry...
She shook of the thoughts and went back to the dinning room. The girls were staring at Twilight in shock. She was levitating the donut tray. With magic. None of them could do that and yet she had magic just for a week!
"So want a donut?" Sci-twi levitated the tray towards sunset.
She took a jelly donut a bit freaked out.
"Uh thanks." She took a bite.
"I know we have seen a lot of weird things but this..." Rainbow dash began.
"Y'all, I thought only unicorns could levitate like that!" Applejack said in disbelief.
Sci-Twi's hand glowed an electric ice blue aura, as a unicorns horn would, as she levitated the tray. Of course when things levitated the glowed in the magic aura as well.
"Well unicorns do. Their horns glow with a magical colored aura and what ever they levitate glows the same way." Sunset explained.
"But how is twilight more advanced in magic then us?" Pinkie munched on a donut.
"She must be extra special or something...I still don't get it. You can't have unicorn abilities here without ponying up!" Sunset said confused.
That's when she glanced back at Sci-Twi. Who wasn't there. Sunset began to panic.
"Where did she go?!" Fluttershy squealed.
"I don't know, I'm not her keeper!"
They heard a giggle. Then they looked up by the dinning hall chandelier. It was sci Twi. Levitating herself. Their mouths hung open in extreme shock. She was levitating. Then she took a piece of the air and ripped a hole in space.
She dove in the portal and it closed. Another one opened in the living room and she tumbled out. Sunset ran to her and hugged her. That was close. Too close.

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