Perfect topping

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Sunset couldn't believe it. She was in a pancake-ing seminar! She was also wierd out that her sister knew so much about cooking, considering their possession of private chef
Sunset heard the jingle of spikes collar. He snuck up next to her desk. His head popped up as he eyed the pancake.
"You gonna eat that?" He said as he snatched the plain flat golden brown cake and waddled out. Sci-Twi was teaching this seminar in the home theater. In a lone school desk sat sunset shimmer. The ingredients were lined up neatly on the desk matching Sci-Twi's arranged teachers desk.
"Alright. To top a pancake, you need a color scheme. Mine is dark purple." She explained as sunset felt a chill down her spine. That was Midnight sparkle's color scheme.
Moments later, sunset shimmer's pancake was decorated in a neat swirl of strawberry and butterscotch syrup choices, topped of with banana and raspberries. Yellow as red.
Sci-Twi nodded in approval at her own panckake, with blueberry syrup, blackberry sauce and some fresh blackberries to top it all off.
Sunset had to admit, the color scheme of the pancake did reflect their personalities like a mirror. She liked that her sister had such great ideas.
Sci-Twi's phone rang with a medley of the Rainbooms latest hits. She answered.
RD: Hey Twi!
TS: Hello rainbow dash
RD: I was wondering if you wanted to see a horror movie with me, AJ and Pinkie Pie?
TS:ooh ok! I do like horror novels! I never seen a horror movie with a friend before... Oh speaking of which, can sunset come?
RD: sure. We'll me meet to there.
TS: see you there!
Rainbow Dash hug up as A small smile grew across twilight's face.
Sunset looked confused. "Huh? Why the creepy smile Sis?"
"Were going to see a horror movie with our friends!" She said excitedly.
Sunset shimmer smiled. This time, if sci-Twi's afraid, she would be there to comfort her. Sunset couldn't wait to be the brave one for once.

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