Replaced Horror

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Sunset decided to take a nap before the movie later that night. But instead of her usual sweet dreams, a nightmare was on her mind. In the horrible vision...
Sunset walked in a dark void. The ground felt squishy under her feet.
"Sci-Twi!" She called out desperately. She felt her bare feet begin in sink into the dark quicksand-like Goo.
An evil laugh filled the air, followed by an identical scream. The scream stopped, and sunset saw an unconscious Sci-Twi image before her. It vanished as she heard twin laughter echo around her. She then saw Sci-Twi dressed like midnight sparkle.
"Why sis? Why did you leave me?" sunset pleaded
"I'm not your sister anymore, Midnight sparkle is my true sister." Sci-Twi laughed evilly as sunset felt a sting in her heart. She began to sink faster.
"Help me!" She screamed desperately.
Sci-Twi summoned black-purple tentacles. They wrapped around sunset and pulled her down into the goo.
"Haha, the light will fall into the darkness..." The two cackled as Sunset screamed in fear.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She slipped under with a final tug, and disintegrated into ash...

Sunset shimmer's eyes snapped open.
Your the brave one, your the brave one...
She woke up silently taking in the surroundings. She was on the couch still. She felt weak. But why? She soon got her answer. A faded red magic trail had leaked out of her, and went in the direction of Sci-Twi who was reading a book. She had fed off the nightmare. Hopefully she hadn't noticed...
"Well I presume, your ready to go?" Sci-Twi asked with smile.
"Yes! And um.. are
You ok..." Sunset asked.
"While you were sleeping, you were leaking magic and I couldn't help myself!!" Sci-Twi said nervously twirling a piece if hair.
"We'll worry about that later. Can you make a portal to the movies?" Sunset asked.
"Sure!" Sci-Twi replied with a perky grin. Her hand glowed with magic causing a portal to make way.
"This is almost as crazy as me raising the sun this morning!"
Sunset was shocked at that.
The two went through and she closed it behind them.
They saw their friends wave them over with 5 tickets.
"Let's go see a horror film!"

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