Nighty night

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Princess twilight sparkle was polishing her magic mirror. She liked to keep things clean. As she stood back to admire her work, the portal mirror glowed and launched out another her with glasses and a bun.
"Sci-Twi? Why are you here? Then again.." Twilight was lost in thought as sunset flew out of the portal.
"Sunset! Hello! Um, why..." Twilight began.
"Something's wrong with sci-Twi. She woke wake up and she is barely breathing. And she keeps holding her chest!" Sunset felt close to tears.
"Ok ok!," Twilight sputtered.
She powered up her horn. Then frowned.
"She absorbed a tantabus." Twilight said.
"A what?" Sunset asked confused.
"It's a creature that feeds of nightmares and fears."
"So it will feed off sci-Twi?"
"The one from Luna must have made another one. And that one found a new host in sci-Twi... I mean she has midnight sparkle. And now nightmares." Twilight explained.
"So let me get this straight. Sci-Twi will feed of nightmares and fear?! What about her? Does this mean midnight will come back?" Sunset panicked.
"I'm afraid so. But it's best we don't tell her. She could end up corrupting herself. Whelp I guess this is what happens when you leave her alone..." Twilight said.
Then she won't leave my sight. Sunset Thought.

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