Explain the Pancakes

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Sunset thought tomorrow would never come. Because the sun was a bit off schedule.
Sci-Twi was asleep in her bed after twilight had fixed her. And what was sunset doing? She was watching her little sister intently. Then the bed's sheets began to wiggle. She was waking up! Sunset shimmer tore out the room silently so she wouldn't be accused of being "the creep".
After positioning her self, she heard no thumping of feet to the dresser or stairs.
Confused, sunset raised and eyebrow and called out afraid. "Sci-twi?!"
No response rang out to her. She sat at the table in a warm sweat. Scared of what could happen.
Then she saw in relief, Sci-Twi levitating her self down the stairs gently, on her phone. Sunset sighed as the explanation for no foot steps sank in. She then called out again.
"Good morning Sci-Twi!" She said as sunny as she could despite the worries she felt deep inside.
Once again, she was greeted by no response.
As Sci-Twi levitated closer to the dining table, sunset noticed the indigo earbuds, hidden by her bangs. Sunset had to slap her self for her silly ideas of no response.
Her sister smiled as she pulled out her seat with magic. She glanced at her pancakes then sunsets. Sunset smiled embarrassed.
Sci-Twi ripped out her earbuds.
"You know, it's sweet that you didn't start without me." She began.
"Yes! And um, that's exactly what I intended to do all morning!" Sunset sputtered at first then it flowed out.
Always the best at lying crap. Sunset thought.
"Crap? What crap?" Sci-Twi asked confused.
Sunset got a freaked out look. She never said that out loud! Had Sci-Twi have been mind reading? So much for secrets. But if she only caught "crap" it meant she wasn't good at it. Yet.
Sunset knew she was a fast learner. So her secrets wouldn't be safe for long.
Sunset has been so lost thought that she hadn't realized Sci-Twi left her seat and was getting jelly.
She came back in with various topinngs. All with one relation: a dark purple.
"I'm gonna show you how MY pancakes are made." Sci-Twi smiled.
Sunset felt dissapointed. In herself. Had she not pleased Sci-Twi's pancake liking. How could she ever tell her that she watching her all night?

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