{Part 4}

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Word Count: 1061
You and Sans walked through Snowdin and towards what looked like a tavern. You both walked in and you could see monsters sitting at booth tables eating and having a good time. Sans led you towards the bar where a man that was made of fire made drinks. You cautiously looked at the fire man and was surprised to see that when he picked up anything flammable, it didn't burst into flames. Sans watched you as you stared at the fire man and laughed.
"That's Grillby, an old friend of mine."
At the sound of his name, Grillby turned around and saw Sans and you. He walked over and Sans smiled.
"Could you get us two things of fries with an extra big bottle of ketchup? No? Well, how about medium?"
Grillby seemed to give Sans an annoyed look and Sans laughed.
"Fine, regular will do."
Grillby went back into another room which you assumed was the kitchen to make the fries. You turned around in your seat to get a better look at the place. It had a homey and happy feel to it and you couldn't help feeling safe. You saw several strange monsters and a surprising amount of dog creatures.
"Hey kid."
You looked at Sans.
"So what do you think of the underground so far?"
You smiled at Sans.
"I love it. I don't ever want to leave."
Sans smiled.
"Glad to hear that. Since we're going to see Undyne and Alphys tomorrow, I guess you could also get a look around Hotland."
"Hotland? Is that where they live?"
"Alphys lives there. Undyne lives in Waterfall."
"Waterfall? That's the name?"
"Yeah, Asgore isn't very good at naming things."
Before Sans could respond, Grillby came back and set two plates of fries in front of you and Sans. He gave Sans a ketchup bottle and Sans gave him a grateful smile.
"Thanks pal."
Grillby muttered something under his breath and went to the other side of the bar to help more customers. You watched as Sans opened the ketchup bottle and started drinking it. You laughed.
"Aren't you gonna put it on your fries?"
Sans set the bottle down with a little bit of ketchup on his face. (Skull whatever)
"And waste it? No way."
You shrugged and started eating your fries. You realized you hadn't eaten in awhile (besides the spaghetti but it wasn't very filling) and hungrily ate all the fries. Sans pushed his untouched plate towards you and you smiled.
"No problem, I'm not that hungry anyways."
You noticed that his words seemed to slur and looked up to see him set down the empty ketchup bottle. He looked drunk.
He turned and looked at you.
*Hic* "Yeah (Y/n)?"
"Uh, you okay?"
"Never better."
He seemed to momentarily pass out but jerked up again and looked around confused. Then he went back into his drunk state. You sighed and stood up.
"Okay, time to get you home."
You took Sans' arm and wrapped it around your shoulder and helped him up. He stumbled and almost fell before you caught him.
"I didn't know ketchup made you drunk!"
"S-sorry kiddo."
He turned around towards Grillby.
"Bye-Bye Grillby!"
Grillby waved as if he was used to this as you helped Sans out the door. It had gotten dark and you could barely see anything in front of you.
"I can *hic* help light the way."
Sans' eye started to glow blue and lit up the area around you. You and Sans started the walk back home through the snowy town. You looked over at Sans to see how he was holding up and saw him starting to fall asleep.
He jerked up and looked alarmed.
"Don't *hic* scare me like that."
You giggled when he went cross eyed and tried to figure out how to uncross his eyes. (I don't know how skeletons work so let's assume it's MAAAAGGGGGIIIIICCCC) You finally made it back home and opened the door to find that it was dark inside. You helped Sans inside and lied him on the couch then closed the front door. The house was dark so you assumed that Papyrus had gone to bed. You turned back towards Sans to see that he had fallen asleep. You groaned.
"C'mon Sans, stay awake for at least five minutes."
You walked over to him and argued whether to struggle walking up the stairs with him or to leave him there on the couch. You decided to leave him there and turned to go when you felt something pull on your sleeve. You looked back and saw Sans' hand holding onto your sleeve. He drowsily looked up at you.
"Sans, I have to go to my-"
"Please stay..."
You sighed and sat on the couch next to where he lay. You looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost midnight. How had time gone by so fast? You started to yawn as you sat on the couch next to Sans. Your eyes started to get heavy and you let them close.

Sans POV
He woke up around 3 in the morning, confused about where he was. Then he remembered. He had gotten drunk at Grillby's and (Y/n) had taken him home. He scolded himself for getting drunk and having (Y/n) put up with his drunk self. He then noticed a lump at his feet. He sat up and saw (Y/n) curled up on the couch asleep. He started to blush as he remembered why she was here. He saw her shiver and noticed how cold it was in the room. He took off his jacket which he still had on and draped it over (Y/n). He blushed when he saw a small smile appear on her face and lied back down. Did he like her? Well, of course he liked her, but did he, like-her-like-her? He was still tired and couldn't think straight after being drunk a few hours before. He closed his eyes (again, MAAAAAAAGGGIIIIICCCC) and fell back asleep.
Sorry this one was later than I usually upload, I wanted to write is faster but I was busy. I can't wait for the next part where you get to meet Undyne and Alphys, well, bye!

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