{Part 18}

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Word Count: 1423
You walked upstairs and to your room, exhausted. You opened the door and plopped down on the bed, too lazy to close the door. You closed your eyes and quickly fell asleep...

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a dark room. You looked around, but there really wasn't anything to look at. You tried to talk, but no noise came out. What the heck? Weren't you just in your room? And why can't you talk? You heard a noise behind you and turned around to see a person standing a few feet away from you with their head down. They were wearing a green sweater with a yellow stripe across the front and back. They had brown hair, cut to their shoulders, and red eyes. You backed up slowly, afraid. The figure laughed.
"Your afraid? Of me? Well, now at least I know you're not stupid."
You tried to speak again, and this time it worked.
"Who are you?"
They seemed to smirk.
"You don't need to know that. The only thing you need to know, is that you are now under my control (Y/n)."
You gasped.
"H-How do you know my name?"
They laughed and clutched their sides, like your question was the funniest thing in the world.
"Oh (Y/n), I'm inside your head. Of course I know your name."
You reached up to your head, still staring at the figure.
"Inside...my...head? I'm sorry I don't understand."
"The less you know, the better."
The figure finally looked up so you could now see their whole face and not just their eyes. They looked like a child, no more than 11. They were smiling, except, it wasn't a normal child's smile. It looked more...demonic.
"Oh (Y/n), just you wait. Soon, everyone you know and love, will either betray you or be killed."
You stared at the figure.
"Wait what? Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
Your fear was replaced by DETERMINATION.
"I will not let you hurt anyone I care for and love."
The figure let out a laugh.
"Excuse me?"
You glared at them.
"You heard me."
Suddenly, the figure started laughing demonically. You took a step back but vines shot up from out of the ground and grabbed you. You were pulled to the ground on your knees, as more vines wrapped around you. The thorns dug into your skin and tears streamed down your face. You looked up at the figure who was smiling evilly at you. They crouched down in front of you and put their finger underneath your chin.
"By the way (Y/n), my names Chara."

You bolted up in bed with a cold sweat. You managed to stay quiet as you tried to get your bearings. Chara. So that's who you had to look out for. You got up out of bed, no longer wanting to get any sleep, and changed into jeans and a tshirt. You put on your running shoes and grabbed your jacket. You were about to leave your room when you rushed over to your bed and grabbed the light blue scarf. You wrapped it around your neck and opened the door quietly. You tiptoed across the hall and down the stairs. Before you left, you grabbed a flashlight and stuffed it in your pocket. You slowly opened the front door and stepped out into the snowy night. You quietly shut the door behind you and started walking towards the woods, thinking about your dream. Once you were far enough away from the house, you pulled out your flashlight and turned it on. A flash of green and yellow appeared in the corner of your eye then quickly disappeared when you looked over. Stop doing this to yourself, you'll just get yourself scared. You looked forward again and continued walking deeper into the forest. You found a snowy clearing and sat down in the middle, looking up at the ceiling of the cavern. The glow thingys that determined weather it was night or day were off, but some were still on, making them look like stars. You smiled at the thought and lied down in the snow, looking up at the fake stars. You heard rustling to your left and bolted up. Knowing better, you quickly shut off the flashlight and stayed perfectly still. The rustling got closer and your eyes darted around for places to escape to and hide. You saw a nearby rock and quickly rushed over and hid behind it. You peeked around the Rock and saw the thing come out of the bushes. It was Sans. He looked around the clearing, confused, and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Huh, I was sure she came this way. Better find her before Pap wakes up or he'll have me head."
Sans walked across the clearing and into the forest. Once you heard him leave, you snuck out from behind the rock and sat down on it. I should probably head back, before Sans gets too worried and Papyrus wakes up. I'll just follow Sans and then we can walk back together. You hopped off the rock and started walking across the clearing. A vine shot out of the ground in front of you and lunged. You let out a shout and did the only thing you could think of. You raised the flashlight and hit the vine as hard as you could. The vine flinched back in pain and you took that opportunity to run. You sprinted across the clearing to where Sans disappeared. The vine quickly recovered and lunged out again at you. It grabbed your ankle, making you fall face first into the snow. You groaned in pain, and looked down to see the vine pulling you back towards the rock. You got on your hands and knees, trying to crawl away, but the vine started pulling you faster. You screamed as tears streamed down your face from the pain.
The ground opened up where the vine had popped out of the ground and widened until it was large enough to fit a person. You screamed louder and clawed at the ground, trying to get away. Another vine shot out and grabbed your arm, making you fall again. You screamed louder and saw Sans burst out of the forest. He saw you and gasped, his eye blazing blue. A huge animal skull thing materialized next to him and opened its mouth as a blue light orb started building.
"Get out of the way kid!"
You managed to dodge the blue light as it shot straight at the vine and made it crumble into dust. The vines let go and soon those turned to dust too. The remaining vines retreated back into the hole and the ground closed up after them. The clearing turned quiet, except for you and Sans' heavy breathing. You stumbled to your feet and ran over to Sans, burying your face in his shoulder. He hugged you tightly and the animal skull thing disappeared. You hugged Sans for several moments before pulling away. Tears streamed down your face and using your jacket sleeve, you wiped them off. Sans gave a you a concerned look.
"What happened? Are you hurt? And why were you out here?"
You didn't know where to start. After a few seconds, you decided to tell him everything starting from the beginning. You told him about your bad dream and you leaving to go into the forest since you couldn't go back to sleep. You told him about the rustling and what happened with the vines. When you were finished, you felt even more exhausted from last night. You looked at yourself and gasped when you saw all the bruises and cuts from the thorns. Blood was all over your arms and your jeans and shirt were ripped. Somehow, you managed not to damage your jacket too badly and your scarf looked untouched. You started to feel sick when you saw the blood and stumbled forward. Sans caught you and looked at all the blood and bruises.
"Oh god kid. I-I'm so sorry I couldn't come sooner."
You tried to speak but you were already starting to black out. You closed your eyes and went unconscious.
Ooo! That was fun to write! I like writing parts like those, I dunno why. Anyways, Imma go and let you think about what ya just read, bye!

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