{Part 17}

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Word Count: 1498
You tumbled out of the snow mound and landed on the ground. You grabbed some snow and made it into a snowball. Undyne started laughing.
"You think you can take on me? Wow!"
You ignored her and stuffed the snowball in your jacket pocket. You made three more, putting one in your other jacket pocket and the other two in each hand. Sans had climbed down from the snow mound and stood next to you with a snowball in his hands. Undyne looked like she was trying not to laugh as she saw you and Sans look defiantly at her. She made a snowball and smirked at you two.
"Ready to get owned nerds?"
Suddenly, Sans disappeared next to you in a flash of blue light and reappeared about ten feet above Undyne. She looked up as Sans' eye turned blue and dozens of snowballs flew at her. She gasped and dodged most of them, but in the end, she was covered in snow. You stared in awe at Sans who disappeared again and appeared next to you.
Undyne growled and glared at Sans.
"Oh you're gonna get it!"
Undyne ran at you both and you aimed your snowball. You threw it at her feet which made her stumble and fall. While she was on the ground you and Sans ran away into the forest. Undyne bolted up and raced after you. She managed to catch up and lunged for you. Blue haze filled your vision as you shot into the air leaving Undyne falling flat on her face. The blue haze disappeared midair and you started falling.
The blue haze appeared again and you were set down on the ground. You and Sans started running again just as Undyne was getting up.
"Get back here ya little punks!!"
She raced after you and you glanced back.
"Uh, huff, Sans?"
"Can you get, huff, us outta here?"
He nodded and stopped running. You stopped next to him and looked behind you to see Undyne racing towards you.
He wrapped an arm around you, which made you blush, and you and him disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Sans POV:
He and (Y/n) appeared inside the house. He let go of (Y/n), both of you trying to catch your breaths. (Y/n) looked up at him and smiled.
"Thanks, but now what are we gonna do?"
He shrugged.
She laughed.
"I don't think that's gonna work but if we get hurt, Toriel will beat the crap out of her."
He and (Y/n) started laughing.
"Well, truce is worth a shot. I'm bone tired so I don't wanna run anymore."
She giggled at the pun.
"Yeah me either, come on."

Your POV:
You and Sans walked out of the house to find Undyne waiting by your and Sans' snowman. She grinned when she saw you two and walked over.
"Ready to get snowed on?"
"Don't you mean, Snowdin?"
You giggled and Undyne stared at Sans.
"You did not just-"
"Yup. I did."
Undyne glared at him and crossed her arms.
"Anyways, like I was saying-"
"We call truce."
Undyne faltered.
"Ya know, truce, like-"
"I know what truce means Sans!"
"So, it's a truce then?"
"Aw, but I was having fun chasing you two!"
"Well, we weren't. And I'm tired. How bout we go inside and get some hot chocolate?"
Papyrus popped out from behind the snowman.
Toriel walked over and smiled.
"I have a good recipe too. Papyrus, would you like to help me?"
"OH BOY!!"
"Hey! I wanna help too!"
"Oh, uh, sure. You can help too Undyne."
Everyone headed inside with Toriel, Papyrus, and Undyne in the kitchen and everyone else in the living room. You sat on the couch next to Alphys who was talking with Mettaton. You looked over at Sans to see him asleep in a chair. You sighed and looked around for something to do. You looked over at the closet and walked over. You opened it up to find a bunch of random stuff inside. You saw a few cans of silly string and started to get an idea. You grabbed the cans and closed the closet. You rushed upstairs to your room and rushed inside. You closed the door behind you and set the cans of silly string on your bed. You crouched down and looked underneath your bed and found what you were looking for. You grabbed it and pulled it out from underneath the bed. You set it on your bed next to the silly string then walked over to the door and opened it. You saw Mettaton and Alphys still talking.
"Pssst! Mettaton!"
Mettaton looked up and spotted you at the top of the stairs.
"Yes darling?"
"Come here! Hurry! And get Undyne too!"
~Time Skip~
You watched as Mettaton walked downstairs and over towards Sans. You looked over at Undyne. She was shaking her bottle of silly string. You looked back down to see Mettaton finish and rush back upstairs.
"How does it look?"
Mettaton smiled.
You smiled and looked over at Undyne.
She grinned.
You and Undyne creeped downstairs and hid behind the Christmas tree.
Undyne ran over to the chair Sans was sleeping in and hid behind it. You ran after her and hid on the other side.
"Okay, go!"
You and Undyne sprang up and sprayed the silly string at Sans. He woke up in a start, and looked around confused. He was coated in blue and green silly string. He laughed and covered his face with his arms.
You stopped spraying him with silly string and laughed. He was not only covered in silly string, but he also had a marker mustache and eyebrows. He wiped silly string off his face and laughed.
"What was that for?"
"This was revenge from our snowball fight earlier. Speaking of which..."
Undyne turned to you and started spraying you with blue silly string. You laughed and started spraying her back. Sans grabbed a spare can from the closet and joined in spraying you and Undyne with pink silly string. Papyrus walked out of the kitchen to find you, Undyne, and Sans covered in silly string.
"Heh, we uh, had a silly string war."
You set your empty can on the table and managed to get most of the silly string off.
"Is the hot chocolate ready?"
He walked back inside the kitchen while Undyne and Sans tried to clean themselves up. You laughed when you saw Sans' mustache and eyebrows. He gave you a confused look.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Undyne laughed and pointed towards the bathroom.
"I think you should take a look at yourself."
Still confused, he walked into the bathroom. You and Undyne burst out laughing when you heard Sans gasp. He rushed out of the bathroom and stared at you and Undyne.
"What the heck?!"
You fell on the floor laughing and clutching your sides. Sans rushed back into the bathroom and you heard the faucet running. Papyrus and Toriel walked out of the kitchen carrying mugs of hot chocolate. They set it down on the table and Toriel went back into the kitchen to get the rest of the mugs. Papyrus walked over to you and Undyne.
"I'm in here!"
Papyrus walked into the bathroom and gasped.
"Uh, I'm not actually sure."
You suppressed a laugh as you walked over to the bathroom. You looked inside to see marker smeared all over Sans' face. You snorted and grabbed a towel from a cupboard. You handed it to Papyrus and grabbed another. Papyrus wet the towel and started rubbing Sans' face.
Papyrus threw the marker stained towel on the ground and you handed him the other one. Soon, Sans' face was marker free. You all walked out of the bathroom and saw Toriel, Undyne, and Alphys sitting at the table drinking hot chocolate. Mettaton was drinking a mug of gooey black stuff. You walked over to the table and grabbed a mug. Papyrus and Sans grabbed one too and sat down. You sat down next to Sans and started drinking your hot chocolate. He leaned over to you and mumbled something.
"Ya know, I'm gonna get revenge."
You mumbled back.
"Yeah, I know."
I didn't really know how to end it so yeah. I gotta go because unfortunately, my dad installed this thing on my phone that makes it shut down at 7pm. He made an exception this one time so I could finish the part but I won't be able to get on my phone at night now (I absolutely hate it and will try to convince him to delete it).

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