{Part 11}

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Word Count: 1192
You and Sans sat at the bar table at Grillby's. You looked around the tavern and saw the same monsters there that had been there last time you came.
"Hey kid."
You looked over at Sans.
"What do ya want?"
Sans snickered.
"Ok. Hey Grillby."
Grillby walked over.
"I'll take two things of ketchup and a small plate of fries."
Grillby walked off to get your order while you gave Sans a look.
"TWO bottles of ketchup? It only took one to get you drunk last time!"
Sans shrugged which made you glare at him.
"Why are you giving me that look? Maybe I'm saving it for later? Did you ever think of that?"
"Oh...well, still. You ordered two so that means you'll end up drunk anyways. And you're heavy! I don't wanna carry you home again!"
Sans stopped at the word "home".
"You...you call it home?"
"O-oh...sorry. I guess it really isn't-"
"No it's fine."
Sans smiled.
"I'm glad you consider it home (Y/n)."
You started to feel your face get hot and quickly looked away. Thankfully, Grillby arrived with your order and set it down in front of you both. Sans smiled at Grillby.
"Thanks pal."
Grillby smiled (I don't know how that's possible) and walked off towards the kitchen. Sans opened one of the bottles of ketchup while you glared at him. He saw you glaring and smirked. He grabbed the other bottle of ketchup and handed it to you.
"Wanna try it?"
You stared at the ketchup bottle.
"But...I'm not sure humans can have this all at once."
"You don't know until you try."
"But what if I get drunk?"
"You're a human. That shouldn't happen, am I right or am I right?"
You sighed and smiled slightly.
"Fine, I'll try it."
You opened the ketchup bottle and started to drink it. Surprised by the taste you stopped drinking it. It actually, tasted...good. That was surprising. You drank some more and could feel the ketchup taking some sort of effect on you. You ignored it and drank the rest of the bottle then set it down. You felt really weird, but you didn't mind. You actually didn't seem to mind anything or have a care in the world. You smiled lazily at Sans who smirked at you.
"*hic* why you givin me that look, huh?"
Sans suppressed a laugh.
"Maybe I was wrong. Humans DO take the same effect like monsters."
Your brain felt all jumbled up and you couldn't think straight. The next thing you said, made you blush madly.
"Sans you're so cute. *hic* I think you should..."
You trailed off when a wave of nausea hit you hard. You gripped your head and cringed, but the nausea quickly passed. You looked back up to see that Sans had drunken all of his ketchup and was staring at his hands like they were some sort of hard puzzle. You smirked and giggled, not sure why though. Sans looked up and saw you giggling. He smiled lazily and started to stand up.
"We should...*hic* get home before...before Papyrus gets mad."
You nodded your head and stood next to Sans. You felt another wave of nausea hit you and you doubled over. When you looked back up, you saw Sans with a concerned look. You sheepishly smiled at him and started to walk towards the door. Sans followed and you walked out of Grillby's. It was now dark with a few streetlights on here and there. You giggled whenever Sans told you a joke or complimented you. Your face was hot with blush and you felt giddy and loopy. Sans looked the same way and kept looking at you dreamily. He snapped out of it and smiled at you.
"*hic* What do you call a clock with *hic* a belt around it?"
You couldn't think straight so you simply said,
"What? *hic*"
Sans grinned.
"A WAIST of time!"
You started to laugh and soon you and Sans were on the ground laughing and gripping your sides. You started to get tired and shakily stood up. Sans stood up too and yawned.
"We *hic* should hurry."
You nodded as you and Sans quickly rushed home. You opened the door to the house and you and Sans walked in. You could hear Papyrus snoring in his room asleep. You sleepily started to climb the stairs to your room with you started to pass out. You closed your eyes and felt yourself falling as everything went black.

Sans POV:
He caught her before she could fall and saw that she had passed out. Since he was still drunk, he couldn't think straight as he carried her to his room and lied her in bed. He crawled into bed next to her and felt her slow breathing on his shoulder. He became tired quickly and fell asleep.

Your POV:
You woke up in a bed that you didn't recognize. You sat up and yawned then looked around. You stopped when you saw the familiar room you were in. You looked down next to you and saw Sans fast asleep. You screamed and jumped out of bed, almost knocking over a dresser. Sans bolted up in bed and frantically looked around the room. He saw you and gasped then started to blush hard.
"I-I can explain..."
"What was I doing in your bed!"
"Well, uh, I think I remember a bit where you and me got drunk and walked home together. You passed out climbing the stairs and since I was drunk and couldn't think straight, also I was exhausted, I brought you to my room and just fell asleep."
He looked down in shame.
"Sorry but please don't be mad."
You started to calm down and looked at Sans. You smiled and walked over to him then sat down next to him.
"I'm not mad. I'm just...well...I was confused. But now that I know it was pretty much an accident and not your fault, I feel better."
You groaned as a wave of nausea from the ketchup washed over you.
"Actually scratch that, I'm not better."
"Oh gosh, are you okay?"
You nodded weakly.
"I'll be fine, what time is it?"
Sans glanced at the clock.
"It's almost five in the morning."
"We woke up that early? Wow."
"Heh, yeah. On normal days I usually sleep in until noon."
You laughed and saw Sans smile and blush a little. Then you remembered what you said to him last night.
"Oh god..."
You glanced up and saw Sans giving you a concerned look.
"You...don't remember?"
Sans looked at you confused.
"Remember what?"
You smiled innocently.
"Oh, uh, nothing! It's not important."
He gave you a look.
"I swear!"
He chuckled and looked back up.
"I'm just messing with you. Now, let's go wake up Papyrus so he can make us breakfast."
I still don't have service! Argh! So sorry if this is late. I should be getting service soon though so then I'll be back on schedule. I gotta go though so bye!

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