{Part 22}

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Word Count: 1125
You walk back into the ballroom with Sans to see that even more monsters were there. How many were in the underground? It looked like hundreds. You looked around the room for the buffett table and smiled when you saw it. Tons and tons of food were overflowing and you hungrily looked at it all. You rushed over and started filling your plate with food. Sans laughed when you walked away with a tower of food on your plate.
"What? I'm hungry."
"I know, but that much?"
"Human's have different diets ya dingus."
Sans laughed again making you start to laugh. You quickly stopped when your plate almost tipped over from laughter. You spotted a balcony by the buffet table and could see tables and chairs outside on it.
"Let's go over there."
You managed to not spill your plate of food and set it on the table. You and Sans sat down across from each other and you started to eat. You could hear the music from inside the ballroom and tapped your foot to the beat.
"So, about what happened in Mettaton's room..."
"Yeah, I'm sorry you had to go through that. And looky here again, me being stupid and bringing you along probably to your death."
Sans laughed.
"Oh come on, if it wasn't you Chara was controlling, I would've Gaster blasted her all the way to Hotland."
You and Sans started laughing. Papyrus spotted you both and rushed over smiling.
Papyrus looked at you with confusion.
You looked down at the dress and then over at Sans nervously.
"Oh, uh, I spilled punch on it and it stained. Mettaton lent me this one."
Papyrus looked at your bandages.
He shook his head and headed back to the ballroom.
You smiled and looked over at Sans who was trying to get a hotdog off the bottom of the plate without toppling the whole thing.
"So, is there anything you wanna do tomorrow? I don't really have any plans so..."
Sans thought for a second.
"Well, we did never have that movie night with all our friends."
You smiled.
"Perfect! And we could play truth or dare again too!"
A dare came to you and you smiled evilly.
"And I have the perfect dare."
Sans laughed.
"Me too."
"Mines more evil."
"Nu uh. Mines more evil."
"But mine will leave you regretting to ever play."
"So will mine."
You laughed and took a cinnamon roll off the plate and started eating.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see tomorrow."
                             ~Time Skip~
You, Sans, and Papyrus got home sometime around one in the morning. You sleepily opened the door to your room and walked inside. You changed and crawled into bed, quickly falling asleep...

You were back in the black room where you first met Chara. You looked around to see if they were there. You saw them leaning against the wall, smiling at you.
"Hello again (Y/n)."
You glared at Chara.
"Get out of my head!"
"Oh not yet, I haven't even done my worst."
"W-What do you mean?"
Chara laughed.
"You think I'm gonna tell you my plans? Who in their bright mind would?"
You were about to list a few people before Chara cut you off.
"I'm not like those people you're thinking of. I'm much more clever."
You let out a laugh.
"Yet you didn't succeed tonight."
They growled at you.
"That was just the beginning. I didn't expect to you to be able to do that but now that I know, I'll be more careful."
"Yeah you better be, because I'm not letting you take over my body again."
They shrugged.
"Fair enough. You're useless anyways."
You stepped back shocked. Then you started laughing. Chara just stared at you, confused.
"Uh (Y/n)?"
You managed to calm down but still let out a few laughs.
"Ok wow. You think I'm useless? At least I don't use other people to do my dirty work."
Chara stared at you.
"Well that's not-"
You interrupted them.
"And I also have some power if I'm able to defy you. You saw tonight and how that went."
They glared at you.
"You think you have power? All you have is love. It's nothing. Useless. When I take over, all that love will be capitalized."
You smirked at them.
"Except you won't take over. I'm stronger than you."
"Ok fine, just wait, you'll be regretting those words later."
Everything went black as you felt yourself waking up...

You opened your eyes and sat up in bed. You need to figure out how to have peaceful dreams for once. You could hear noise downstairs and quickly got dressed. You walked downstairs and saw Papyrus bring out a plate of spaghetti. Sans was watching TV and waved when he saw you.
"Good morning, why does Papyrus have spaghetti?"
Papyrus smiled.
"Uh, I don't think spaghetti is a breakfast food."
He walked back into the kitchen and you sighed.
"Spaghetti for breakfast it is then."
Sans laughed and turned the TV off and walked over. Papyrus walked back out of the kitchen carrying two more plates of his breakfast spaghetti. You sat down and looked at your plate. You shrugged and started eating, not caring even though it tasted horrible. Sans and Papyrus sat down and started eating too until there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it."
You walked over and opened the door to see Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton.
"Oh hey guys."
"H-Hey (Y/n), can w-we come in?"
You smiled and moved out of the way.
"Sure. Why are you guys here?"
"Papyrus invited us for movie night."
"But...its morning."
Undyne laughed.
"We're doing other stuff too!"
You smiled.
"Oh, well what would you guys wanna do?"
Sans walked over.
"Well, we talked about truth or dare last night, and I really wanna see how 'terrible' your dare is."
You smirked at him.
"It's the absolute worst."
"I'm sure mine is much much worse."
"Ok that's a lie."
"Oh I assure you it's-"
"Guys! I'm sure your dares are very...scary or whatever, but can we just play already?"
You gave Sans a smug look.
"But you're gonna regret you ever played."
Undyne groaned and Alphys giggled.
Sorry I haven't updated lately, since I did three parts yesterday I thought I deserved a little brake. I'm actually at a movie right now so I gotta go, bye guys.

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